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Q: Why was the Persian army capable of striking fast?
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Who divided the Persian empire into 20 provinces?

Darius the Great divided the empire into 20 provinces called satrapies. Also, he gave the 20 provinces Satraps, or governors. Then he made the roads bigger and more efficient.For example, one Greek historian wrote: "Nothing mortal travels so fast as these Persian Messengers ... these men will not be hindered from accomplishing at their best speed the distance which they have to go, either by snow, or rain, or heat, or by the darkness of night."-Herodotus, from the "History of the Persian Wars"

Why didn't the Athenian army go out to fight the Persians when they arrived at Marathon?

They were in the middle of a religious festival but undertook to come in a couple of days when it was over. They then set off at a fast pace, but before they arrived the battle was fought. They marched up to Marathon, viewed the battlefield, congratulated the Athenians and went home.

How did the Persian Empire rule such a large empire?

They divided the empire into satrapies (provinces) with Persian governors supported by sufficient troops to enforce their rule.They set taxes at a non-exploitive level. After the defeat of the Persian invasion of mainland Greece, Aristides was appointed to assess the levy on the Greek cities in Asia liberated from Persian rule which Athens was organising into an anti-Persian league; he mostly used the Persian system because he considered it just.They kept internal order and protected the peoples from external invasion. Each satrapy and people within it was required to meet a levy of soldiers and warships proportional to their capacity.They facilitated control, commerce and communication by establishing Aramaic as the lingua franca (the language which later Jesus spoke), and set up a fast courier system with staging posts to ensure speedy transmission of messages and reports in their pre-electronic era.By retaining the local rulership with provincial governors maintaining security and external protection.

Do Indians fast?

Who borns in India that pupil will naturally fast. Because India is Karmabumi who are nearer to God that type of soles will be born in India. Who is having the good knowledge those are always fast.

What God runs really fast?

Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, is quick for obvious reasons. Nike, also, the goddess of victory would be fast.

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How to learn persian fast?

There is not a super fast way to learn Persian fast. Try using a language learning program such as Rosetta Stone.

Who was the fast king of the Persian Empire?

Darius III.

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Not as fast as it's capable of going

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The newer M1113/M1114 series are capable of speeds up to 80 miles per hour. Or so I've been told. I've had never actually done this myself, since the Army frowns on that sort of thing.

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a three toed sloth is capable of running at 0.15 m/h

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Some examples of fast things include cheetahs running, lightning striking, and Formula 1 cars racing.

How fast is the Honda fourtrax 300?

it is capable of around 40 mph

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Elephants are not capable of running particularly fast because of their weight. They can run at about 10 miles an hour.

Do tigers move slow or fast?

Tigers are capable of being almost motionless when tracking prey,and incredibly fast when atttacking.

How fast is the lamborghini lp 760?

It's capable of doing 215 mph

Is a leopard fast?

They're capable of running at 60MPH for a short period of time.

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