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Being fertile, it was attractive to the surrounding mountain and desert peoples to first raid and loot, then take over as their own possession, using the indigenous farmers to produce the goodies for them.

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Q: Why was so many empires of the Fertile Crescent were conquered?
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What was the fertile crescent used for?

The fertile crescent was a very fertile area between the tigres and Euphrates rivers that many civilizations were able to use for agriculture.

Was the Nile Valley an integral part of the Fertile Crescent?

No. Ancient Egypt was based on the Nile River. The Fertile Crescent is born from the Jordan, Euphrates, and Tigris Rivers. Ancient Egypt, however, had many dealings with the Fertile Crescent Civilizations.

How many miles long is the Fertile Crescent?

I think it is about 950 miles

Why was the region of the ancient land of Canaan so frequently fought over?

It was in the middle of the Fertile Crescent - Mesopotamia-Syria, which was the subject of many invasions by expanding empires. - Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans etc etc.

What patterns do you see in the rise and fall of many civilizations of the fertile crescent?

you are bold

What patterns do you see in rise and fall of the many civilizations in the Fertile Crescent?

you are bold

How many gods did the people in the fertile crescent worship?

Anonymos you are wrong its:Many

What did they grow in fertile crescent?

They grew many crops in the fertile crescent. They used the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which deposited silt, which is very fertile soil, onto the banks. The silt was then used for farming. Some crops that were grown are barley, millet, wheat, dates, lentils, onions, garlic, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, and apples.

What was the part in mesopotamia where all cities formed?

The area where many early cities in Mesopotamia formed is called the Fertile Crescent.

What are five empires that conquered the Hebrews?

Many more than 5 empires conquered the Hebrews. See the inexhaustive list below: Egyptians Babylonians Persians Assyrian-Greeks Romans Muslims Spain Nazis Bolsheviks

Where did plant cultivation first begin?

Farming was started in the Fertile Crescent, in part of the Middle East. It covers Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, and the Nile Delta northern region of Egypt. The Fertile Crescent is named this because it has very fertile soil and is more or less shaped like a crescent. This area is believed to be where civilization as we know it was started. For example, many ancient cultures such as the Mesopotamians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Israelites all were located inside this fertile area because of its proximity to water.

How many gods are there in the Fertile Crescent?

7. there is a earth, sky, sun, moon, salt water, fresh water, and wind gods