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Q: Why was it called Achilles heel?
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Why is a weak point called an Achilles Heel?

Achilles is a famous greek warrior and his only weak spot was his heel. that's why its called an Achilles heel. it means a weak spot.

Why is the tendon above the heel called the Achilles heel?

It was named after the hero "Achilles", who was killed when an arrow penetrated his heel.

How did Paris killed Achilles if he is invincible?

He had a weak spot on his heel that is why a weakness is called an Achilles heel

What heel was Achilles week heel?

The left heel was Achilles week heel.

The achilles tendon is in the knee or heel?

The Achilles tendon is in the Heel by Ahmed

Why the tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon?

The tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon because it connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, named after the Greek mythological hero Achilles. According to the myth, Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel, where his mother held him when she dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal.

Is the Achilles tendon in the heel knee or toe?

The Achilles tendon is in the Heel by Ahmed

What is meant by the saying you have discovered his Achilles' heel?

Achilles is a famous "indestructible" Roman solider. The only part of his body that could be harmed was his right heel. His right heel was his weakness, so when someone finds your one weakness it is often called your Achilles heel. Except, he wasn't Roman, he was Greek.

What was Achilles's weak spot?

Achilles' heel was his weak spot thus the saying that someone's weakness is their "Achilles heel."

How do you use Achilles' heel ina sentence?

Society's achilles' heel is the politician. (Since heel is singular, so is "is", and not are.)

Sentence with Achilles heel?

His inability to endure long distance running is his Achilles heel.

What do you do to get relief from Achilles heel?

smoother your Achilles heel in fresh karagh to let it relax