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Q: Why was Hercules being punished?
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Why did hera try kill Hercules?

because he was the son of another mortal women and his father was hera's husband zues. since she couldn't punish zues she punished Hercules

What did Hercules teach us about?

He teaches us about hard work and determination, as well as wrong doings will be punished.

What was hercules punished to perform a set of tasks that tested his mental and physical strength called the?

twelve labors

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A witch was punished by being dunked or hanged

How was Lot's wife punished?

She was punished by being turned into a pillar of salt.

What does punished for your beliefs means?

If you get punished for your beliefs, you are getting punished for what you believe in. eg. In roman times, people would get punished for being christian

Why does your dog wag its tail when being punished?

because it doesn't fully understand that he or she is being punished.

Who was punished for being Hubris?

Hybris is a goddess.

How was Ned Kelly punished for what he did?

he was punished by being hung on the 11th of November 1880. he died on the same day.

Why was god punished for helping on sabbath?

In Judaism, there is no account of God ever being punished for any reason.

Who did Hercules marry?

Hercules married four times, to Megara, Omphale, Deianira and, after being made into a god, the goddess Hebe.

Who was the greek god imprisoned for eternity and had his inuyards eaten out by a bird?

That would be prometheus, a greek TITAN who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to mankind; Zeus punished him by chaining him to a rock where an eagle gnawed at his liver until Hercules rescued him. good old Hercules :)