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the Greek religion is impotent because it has alot of historical stuff. Also, i know this has nothing to do with Greek religon, but its super fun being Greek. i mean its never a boring day and in Greece everyone is related... you know because you have you have 20,000 cousins!

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Q: Why was Greek religion so important?
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Same reason religion in important in ours

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Because the Greek's religion were all about the gods. So they were very important to them, and even though they had philosophy and mathematics, etc., religion played a big part in life too.

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He was the freakin god of sunlight!

Which religion considered hagia Sophia important?

The Greek Orthodox Church.

Ancient Greek Mythology and why was it important?

Hellenic mythology is the collection of stories about the Gods and Heroes that were passed down orally, and later written down. It is not the same as the Hellenic religion though, read these questions for more info:Is_Greek_mythology_an_ancient_religionIs_Greek_mythology_part_of_ancient_Greek_religionWhy_is_Ancient_Greek_religion_considered_mythologyIs ancient Greek religion deadWhat_Religions_Relate_to_Greek_Mythology

What foods played an important part of greek religion?

im greek and theres lots of important foods in greece like kalamata olives,feta cheese,souvlakia.

How did the Romans view Greek religion?

They saw it as a mirror image of their own religion and adopted many of their gods, only giving them Roman names. An important factor in this was that at the time of Rome's ascendancy , Greek colonies were established all over southern Italy and Sicily. So it was only natural that very early in its development Rome encountered and adopted many aspects of Greek religion.

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The Mayan pyramids were important to the Mayans because it was part of their religion

What was the important role for greek mythology?

For the Ancient Greeks, their religion (what we call Greek Mythology) was everything. Their dad-to-day lives were focused on and pretty much revolved around their religion. Their religion was a life-style for them, centered on the gods they worshipped.

What civilization had the greatest inflence on Roman Religion?

The Greeks had the greatest influence of Roman religion. In their early days the Romans adopted five Greek deities. They also adopted Greek myths and linked their gods to the Greek ones. The Etruscans and the Sabines also had an important influence on Roman religion

Are Greek religion and catholic religion similar?

Catholic religion and Greek Christianity are somewhat similar, but other Greek religions are not similar to the Catholic religion.