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For more or less the same reason Hades himself was: it was his job. If there's a river that you can't Ford or swim across, there has to be a ferryman. Charon was that ferryman.

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Q: Why was Charon in hades?
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Who worked for Hades?

Charon, the ferryman of Hades

Is Hades boatful?

Hades has a boat full of Charon.

What do the gods Hades and Charon have in common?

Hades is the ruler of the Underworld. Charon (not a god) ferries the dead across the river Styx into the Underworld.

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Who is Hades worker on Poptropica?

His name is Charon.

What was the ferryman called in Hades?

Charon, The Ferryman.

Who was the ferryman of the underworld?

Charon was the ferryman of Hades.

Who was the ferryman in Hades?

The ferryman in the Underworld is known as Charon.

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Who delivers the souls of dead suitors to hades?

Charon .

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How did Greek god Charon die?

Charon was not a Greek god- he was Hades' ferryman down the river Styx. He did not die.