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Aphrodite the ancient Greek goddess lured the young Prince of Troy with the promise that the most beautiful woman on earth would fall in love with him if he would select her in the competition that Hera and Athena participated offering her the golden apple. Paris offered the golden apple to Aphrodite and she in return assisted him to seduce Helen of Sparta wife of Menelaus King of Sparta while he was a guest of the King. His act was an insult to the King and the ethics of hospitality which lead to the ten year war of Greeks against Trojans. The result was the destroy of Troy and the deaths of many heroes on both Greek and Trojan armies. The story is successfully presented in the epic poem of Iliad writen by Όμηρος/ Homer the famous Greek poet.

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Q: Why should we remember Aphrodite?
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Was there any important people during Aphrodite's time?

'Aphrodite's time' stretches into ancient history of Greece during the time when the mythology of today was the religion of then; there were many people who were regarded as important then who we do not remember and many still that we do remember.

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Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love. Aphrodite explained that she was not on the best of terms with Eros and Hera should go to him instead of her so that Hera could have her everlasting love with Jason.

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"should remember" is the verb phrase in the sentence.

What else should you know about Aphrodite?

She likes golden apples. (We call them oranges.)

What goddess thought the golden apple should belong to them?

Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite

Why should Aphrodite be remembered?

becasue she is the goddess of love and love is very importen!

Who were the ten Olympian gods?

As far as I can remember they are Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Dionysus, Hera, Aphrodite and Apollo.

What is Aphrodite's Egyptian name?

Well, the Egyptians had a different love goddess. If I remember right, isis was her name. These were two different goddesses, however.

What are the answers from the lady at the beach from mythology?

First you go to the museum of the gods. Study them and you might recognize the same ones Aphrodite lady on the beach) asks you. Right them down. The only ones I can remember are: Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, and Hestia( that may be all of them).

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What is the song that has Aphrodite in the lyrics?

Aphrodite's Tears by Salem, Aphrodite of Hatred by Izakaron, Aphrodite's Winter by Cathedral, Aphrodite by Ash, Aphrodite Marine by Misanthrope, Green-Eyed Aphrodite by The Cable Car Theory...I don't know that many, are any of those it?

Who is Aphrodite and what did she do?

Aphrodite is the god of beauty