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Q: Why is Telemachus initially doubtful that the man before him is his father?
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Why is Telemachus doubtful that Odysseus is his father?

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What do the suitors do when they find out Telemachus has sailed to search for news of his father?

They plot to kill Telemachus on the seas before he returns to Ithaca.

What is Telemachus reaction to seeing his father after so many years?

Telemachus is shocked and overjoyed to see his father, Odysseus, after so many years. He initially doubts that it is truly his father and tests him by asking about a secret only Odysseus would know. Once he confirms that it is indeed his father, Telemachus embraces him and weeps with happiness.

How does telemachus react when odysseus identifies himself?

Telemachus is initially skeptical and does not believe Odysseus is his father. However, he becomes emotional and overjoyed when Odysseus reveals secret knowledge that only his father would know, confirming his identity. Telemachus embraces Odysseus and they have a heartfelt reunion.

Who persuades Telemachus to search for his father?

Athena is in disguise and persuades telemachus to find his father

When Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus what does his son think?

Telemachus is shocked and initially doesn't believe his father is truly Odysseus, as he has been away for so long and looks different. Eventually, he is convinced by certain signs and recognizes him as his father. They embrace and weep together.

Who was father of Telemachus?


Who was Telemachus's father?


Who is telemachus father?


Who was the father of Telemachus?


How Odysseus different from Telemachus?

Odysseus is Telemachuses father and if your referring to qualities then Odysesseus is much more experienced and trained that Telemachus because Telemachus matured without his father

Who does Telemachus think Oddysseus is when they first reunite?

Telemachus initially thinks Odysseus is a stranger when they first reunite, as Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, had not revealed his true identity to his son. Telemachus only discovers the true identity of the beggar later on.