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Q: Why is Lichchhavi period is called the golden period in history?
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The lichchhavi society was based on caste system.

Which period is known as the golden period in Indian history?

Gupta's period.

Which period is called the golden age of novel?

There is no period of time found called the Golden Age of Novel. There is the Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Heroic Ages.

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Sri Lanka is the original name and it was called a golden isle in the Ramayana period in the history of ancient India

Whose period called as golden age of guptas?

Chandra Gupta Maurya's period is called as Golden Age of Guptas.

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The Golden Age was a period in Dutch history,17th century,where trade,science, and art were among the most acclaimed in the world.

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The golden age

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The mughal period

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golden age

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A golden jubilee

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The Teenies

Why is renaissance period often called golden age of singing?

The Renaissance period was between the 14th and 16th centuries. During this period there were dramatic advancements in all art forms, including music. For this reason, the period is often called the golden age of singing.