Because hes the one who put us on the earth and died on the cross so are sins could be washed away. He is the one who gives us everything we ask for. Jesus is the Son of God. In The Bible, John 3:16 it says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. That whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." God saw that no-one was good enough to enter heaven on their own goodness because no-one is truly good enough. We all sin and that would keep us from entering heaven. God sent his only son to earth so that those that believe that he is the son of God and believe that he took our sins upon himself and that he suffered and died for you and me and we accept him as our savior, we are guaranteed to live eternally with him in heaven. There are no strings attached. No money to raise. No list of things to accomplish. Just believe and accept him as your savior. Easy as can be. Jesus has made a miraculous change in my life. He may not give us everything that we ask for as the post above mine says, but he will give us everything that we need. He will never leave you or forsake you. I promise.
This question is the equivalent of asking "Why is jesus so important in christianity" She is just a part of it
Hebrew scriptures are continued in Christianity. One segment of modern Hebrews are formed by the Christians.
They thought humans served as worthy sacrifices to their gods. They were losers who were killed by the spanish just for their gold, so don't take them seriously, besides that we have Jesus Christ, so who needs the "Aztec Gods".
She is Mary's mother, and so she is Jesus' grandmother.
AD IS after death so it's 300 years after jesus died
because that is the place which the virgin Mary traveled to, to give birth to her child, baby Jesus.
The birth of Jesus is the real reason Christians celebrate Christmas. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, so they celebrate his birth. It is not the reason everyone celebrates Christmas, though.
Christmas (December 25th), is the date that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, so basically there would not be a Christmas without Jesus' birth, hence why he is a symbol for the Holiday.
When Jesus comes back, that is where he is coming back.
If you are studying religion, and the topic is Christianity, then you need to know about Jesus.
becaused it connotes that jesus had conquered sin and all men who believes are saved
Bethlehem is where Jesus Christ, who Christians believe to be the Son of God, was born. It is also the birthplace of King David.
Because it was the birth of the Messiah. Jesus was to be born as a baby and grow up. He had to live a perfect life and then be crucified on a cross to take away our punishment so we can go to Heaven.
Christmas is the celebration of His birth, no Jesus Christ, no Christmas.
We Christians have salvation only after Jesus died and rose again, after the resurrection.
Yes, it is the Christian feast that celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth; founder of Christianity. Jesus is believed by Christians to be the incarnate son of God, and the one who redeemed them from sin so his birth is of great significance.
The first Christians were, if you believe the bible, Jesus's disciples, so Christianity began the year Jesus started teaching. If you count 0AD as Jesus's birth then about 20/21AD