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In Robert Fagles version, one of his companions, fell from the roof at Aeaea. Odysseus sees him in the underworld and asks to be buried. Odysseus returns to properly bury him.

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Q: Why has Odysseus returned to Aeaea?
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How long was Odysseus at Aeaea?

Odysseus spends a year with Circe and his crew on Aeaea before asking to leave.

Where did Odysseus meet circe?

on the island of aeaea

How long does Odysseus remain on Aeaea?

One Year

Who lives in Aeaea?

In Greek mythology, Aeaea is the island where the sorceress Circe is said to reside. She is known for turning Odysseus' men into animals in Homer's "The Odyssey."

Where does Odysseus go after the land of the dead?

He returns back to Circe's island (Aeaea).

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After Odysseus' death his son Telemachus returns to Aeaea with Telegonus (his younger brother) and Penelope (his mother), and there marries Circe.

Why was Odysseus angry with euryochus?

Eurylochus consistently threatens and / or questions Odysseus's leadership in The Odyssey and very nearly causes a mutiny on Aeaea and at Thrinacie.

What was The name of the witch in the odyssey?

Her name was Persephone. Circe was the sorceress who waylaid Odysseus on the Island of Aeaea.

What does elanors spirit ask of Odysseus?

In "The Odyssey," the spirit of Elpenor asks Odysseus to return to Aeaea and properly bury his body, which Odysseus agrees to do. Elpenor's request serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring the dead in Greek mythology.

What is aeaea in The Odyssey?

Aeaea is the island that the enchantress Circe resided on.

How does argos knows that his master Odysseus has returned?

How does Argos knows that his master Odysseus has returned? He recognizes Odysseus's face. He recognizes Odysseus's voice. He picks up the scent of his master. He doesn't; he dies just as Odysseus appears.

How old was Telemakhos when Odysseus returned from Troy?

20. Telemakhos was about a month old when Odysseus departed. He was gone for 20 years (10 at war and 10 at sea), so when Odysseus returned he was about 20.