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He has been gone for twenty years, and Athena made him look older than he really is.

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Q: Why does no one recognize Odysseus?
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What did Athena do for the beggar Odysseus?

Athena disguised Odysseus so no one will recognize him.

Does Penelope recognize Odysseus when he is in his beggar's costume?

No, Penelope does not recognize that the beggar is Odysseus.

Who recognizes Odysseus right away How does he recognize him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Who recognizes Odysseus right away and how does he recognize him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Did Eumaeus recognize Odysseus?

true she did recognize his uglyass

Who recognizes Odysseus right away How does he recognizes him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Eumaeus did not recognize Odysseus?


Who is the only person to recognize Odysseus?

Argus the dog

Who is the first to recognize Odysseus through his disguise?


Who recognizes Odysseus by his scar?

Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus purely by his scar.Eumaeus and Philoetius recognize Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals who he is. Laertes, Odysseus' father, also recognizes Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals his identity.

How was the old nurse able to recognize Odysseus?

by the scar on his body.

Why isn't Odysseus recognized when he returns home?

Most people do not recognize Odysseus because Athena has disguised him as a beggar.