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to get telemachus out of harms way. He needed to leave the island until it was safe to return with his father. If he would have stayed he may have been killed by the suitors!

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Q: Why does athena encourage telemachus to go on a journey to find his father?
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What does Athena encourage Telemachus to do?

Athena encourages Telemachus to go on a journey to see if his father Odysseus is still alive and when he finishes this journey to go and kill the suitors.

What action does Athena advise Telemachus to take?

Athena advises Telemachus to leave Ithaca and travel on a journey to find his father, Odysseus

Who persuades Telemachus to search for his father?

Athena is in disguise and persuades telemachus to find his father

How does Athena help Telemachus in book 2 select all that apply?

Athena helps Telemachus by appearing to him disguised as Mentor to encourage him to call an assembly and speak out against the suitors. She also inspires him to seek information about his father's whereabouts from Nestor and Menelaus. Additionally, Athena provides guidance and reassurance to Telemachus in moments of doubt and difficulty.

He sought his father with the help of Athena?

It was Telemachus

How does Athena help Telemachus?

Athena helps Telemachus by telling him that his father is not dead. She also tells him to seek information about his father from Menelaus and King Nestor.

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What goddess advises Telemachus to go searching for his father?


What assurance does Athena give to telemachus?

That his father is not dead and is in Ithaca

How does telemachus react when Odysseus returns home?

He at first does not believe it is actually his father.....then his father explains that Athena disguised him and then Telemachus is overjoyed of course!

Where does Athena tell telemachus to sail to in search of his father?

Athena tells him to go to Nestor and then to go to Menalos