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The suitors were wooing his wife, and also had been eating his food and drinking his wine.

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Q: Why does Odysseus take revenge on all the suitors?
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What does Teiresias say Odysseus will do to Penelope's suitors?

Teiresias says Odysseus will take his revenge on these suitors and eventually kill them all either by through force or fraud.

How many suitors survive Odysseus revenge?

the suitors are the men who come to "woo" penelope, Odysseus' wife and Telemachus' mother, and try to get her to marry them. they're very rude because they take advantage of staying in Odysseus' castlethey eat all his food and everything :/hope i helped (:actually, it's the Odyssey. The suitors are people who have come to stay with Odysseus and have overstayed their welcome while breaking xenia.

How does Odysseus get rid of the suitors?

Odysseus, his son, and the loyal staff kill all the suitors.

How does Eruymachus stop Odysseus from killing all the suitors?

Eruymachus doesn't stop Odysseus, he helps him kill the suitors. All the suitors die in the end.

Do you think Odysseus' revenge is justified why or why not?

While Odysseus' revenge can be seen as justified by some due to the wrongs he suffered at the hands of the suitors, others might argue that the extent of the violence and bloodshed he unleashed goes beyond what is morally acceptable. The ethical justification of his revenge is subjective and depends on individual perspectives on justice and retribution.

When did Odysseus fond out about the suitors in his house?

Odysseus ,his son , and the loyal staff kill all the suitors

What is Odysseus able to do that the suitors cannot do?

Odysseus is able to string his bow, after all the suitors have tried and failed. Odysseus is also able to win Penelope's heart, kill all the suitors, and have the love and respect of the gods, in particular Athena.

How does Odysseus fight turn out with t he suitors?

He fights the suitors and kills all of them.

What was Justice at the hands of Odysseus?

Odysseus killed all of Penelope's suitors.

Which suitors' lives are spared by Odysseus in the Odyssey?

None of the suitors' lives are spared; Odysseus and his party kill them all. Odysseus does spare Phemius the minstrel, and Medon the herald.

What does Odysseus do to the suitors at the end of the story?

He kills them all.

What happens when Odysseus reveals his identity to the suitors?

Odysseus kills them it on sparknotes.