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The Romans withdrew from England and Wales to better defend the rest of the Empire from incursions happening on the mainland.

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Q: Why did the Romans stop ruling Britain?
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How much of Britain was occupied by Romans?

about 3/4 of Britain was occupied by the Romans

Why did pharaohs stop ruling Egypt?

Queen Cleopatra was the Last Pharaoh of Egypt. With her death the rule of Egypt was finally passed to the Romans in 30 BC.

How can we convert this in passive voice the Romans invaded Britain?

Britain was invaded by the Romans.

The Romans ruled Britain for in years?

The Romans ruled Britain for about 350 years.

When The Romans invaded Britain in?

The Romans first invaded Britain in 55 BC. In 43 AD they officially annexed it. In this nearly 100 year span, Romans were living in and trading with Britain.

Were the Romans around in Britain in the 11th -15th century?

No they were not. The Romans left Britain in the late 5th century.

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How do you rule a war.

The approximate time romans ruled britain?

The Romans ruled over Britain from 43 CE - 410 CE.

Who brought sugar to Britain?

The Romans brought sugar to Britain. Before the Romans, people in Britain used honey, and other sweet foods as sweeteners.

What did the founding fathers take from the Romans?

because the Romans invented the Republic. (the Republic is a way of ruling a country)

When did Roman Britain start?

The Romans arrived in Britain in 55AD.

Did the Romans really invade Britain or were they there before that through coins language and trading?