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Ancient Egyptians believed that their ruler was a god on Earth and when he died, he would become Osirus.

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Q: Why did the Egyptians call their Pharaoh a living god?
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Why was the pharaoh so important to the Egyptians?

The people of Egypt seemed to believe that the Pharaoh was a personified god. They were not only the rulers of the region but they were also living God's.

Why did ancient Egyptians bow to their pharaohs?

Because the ancient Egyptians honored their pharaoh as a god. They believed that the pharaoh controlled the weather and everything that happened in ancient Egypt. They did that so that the pharaoh would be pleased by his people and greet them back with life.

Why did Egyptians willingly serve the pharaoh?

Why did the egyptians willingly serve the pharaoh you ak? Well, one reason was that they believed in the unity of the kingdom depended on a strong leader. Another was that they considered the pharaoh to be the son of Re (RAY), the Egyptian sun god. Hope this helped!

An Egyptian god king?

Ancient Egyptians believed God Kings to be incarnations of their god, Horus. One Pharaoh believed to be such an incarnation was Narmer, also known as Menes, who ruled in the first century. He is believed to have been the first God King.

What did Egyptians believe that there pharaohs were?

The Egyptians viewed the ruling pharaoh as a god, the son of the sun-god Ra, and not merely as a representative of the gods. He was thought to be the incarnation of the falcon-headed god Horus the successor of Osiris. Among the pompous titles accorded him were "the sun of the two worlds," "Lord of the Crown," "the mighty god," "offspring of Ra," "the eternal," and many, many others. (History of Ancient Egypt, by G. Rawlinson, 1880, Vol. I, pp. 373, 374; History ofthe World, by J. Ridpath, 1901, Vol. I, p. 72) Fastened to the front of his crown was an image of the sacred uraeus, or cobra, which supposedly spat out fire and destruction upon his enemies. The image of the pharaoh was often placed in temples among those of the other gods. There are even Egyptian pictures of the reigning pharaoh worshiping his own image. As god, Pharaoh's word was law, and he ruled not according to a law code but by decree. Nevertheless, history shows that his supposedly absolute power was considerably limited by other forces within the empire, including the priesthood, the nobility, and the military. These points help in understanding how difficult Moses' assignment was in appearing before Pharaoh and presenting Jehovah's requests and warnings.-Compare Ex 5:1, 2; 10:27, 28.thWell Egyptians viewed Pharaoh's as high class people. They ruled Egypt as in they were king but Queen Hatshepsut (Thutmose the seconds wife) took over as king when he died. So if you didn't look up to them something bad would happen to you.He received power directly from the gods. He was appointed by the gods to rule the empire. He possessed the secrets of the gods.