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because they believed that Huitzilopitchli their sun god needed 350 bowls of blood a day so that he could win the battle against the stars/ moon god and rise again at dawn. And on top of all these sacrifices they also sacrificed a few people a day to their not-so-important gods.

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Q: Why did the Aztec sacrifice so many people?
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Why did the Aztec preists sacrifice so many people to their gods?

They sacrificed so many people because they believed that if they did not make sacrifices, then the Sun would die and all would be lost.

How did civilians of Aztec view sacrifice?

Many civilians were conquered people of whom the Aztec have conquered in battles. These civilians are usually obeying by fear of human sacrifice. Many civilians, also neighboring villages, hated or feared the Aztec. Some civilians though, like the nobles and warriors, truly believe in human sacrifice so they fight in battles to contribute to this religion.

What do Aztec priests wear?

Aztec Priests wore black-hooded cloaks,black robes and painted their faces and bodies and sacrifice people

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Took many prisoners so they could sacrifice them to the gods

Why did the Aztec sacrifice human life?

so they can offer blood and human bodies to their god

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Aztec pyramids were actually temples, so the priest and the sacrifice (usually human) would walk up to the top.

Why do Aztec temples have steps on the outside?

So people can get inside.

Did the Aztec people decorate their bodies with anything?

i don't think so

What is so good about huitzilopochtli?

The Aztec's main god was HUITZILOPOCHTLI. It was he who told the Aztecs where to build their city. He was the Sun god who they fed with human sacrifice. He was the god of war.... An important god! He is the main god in Aztec.

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because so they can take care of their people

Why did the allies help Cortes conquer the Aztec empire?

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