because that was the only spot that wasn't dipped in the Styx, so it was invulnerable.
Achilles. He was shot through the ankle, the only place where he had mortal skin. He was shot by Paris, Prince of Troy, and brother of Hector, the man Achilles killed when Hector killed Achilles' cousin, Pactroclyes(sp?). Achilles died of an infection from the shot.
His mother held the baby Achilles by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable to injury. His heel was not exposed to the magic of the river water and he died after being shot in the heel with an arrow.
Achilles was made immortal by being dipped into the River Styx. He was held by his heel, which is why that is his weak spot. When he was shot there, he died.
In the myth it said that achilles was dipped in the river styx he was invulnerabele except one spot his ankle and when he got shot in the ankle by the arrow he died so he didn't make it to the end of the trojan war.
No he got shot in the ankle, screamed and died.
Achilles. He was shot through the ankle, the only place where he had mortal skin. He was shot by Paris, Prince of Troy, and brother of Hector, the man Achilles killed when Hector killed Achilles' cousin, Pactroclyes(sp?). Achilles died of an infection from the shot.
His mother held the baby Achilles by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable to injury. His heel was not exposed to the magic of the river water and he died after being shot in the heel with an arrow.
Shot in the ankle, specifically the Achilles Tendon, with a poisoned arrow
Achilles was made immortal by being dipped into the River Styx. He was held by his heel, which is why that is his weak spot. When he was shot there, he died.
In the myth it said that achilles was dipped in the river styx he was invulnerabele except one spot his ankle and when he got shot in the ankle by the arrow he died so he didn't make it to the end of the trojan war.
No. Achilles is the man who was killed because he was shot in his weak spot the Achilles. This is his story. When Achilles was a little boy his mother wanted him to become a hero and be invulnerable. So she dipped him in the river styx. She held him by the ankle so the ankle was his weak spot. One day in battle he was shot in the ankle and was killed. That why we call it the Achilles heel of our foot.
Achilles was a demigod who was dipped in the River of Stix by his mother holding him by his ankle when he was a baby, making him unvulerable. Later, during the Trojan War he was shot with an arrow right on the ankle, the only place on his body that wasn't unvulnerable, and he died.
At the time, this was an unknown consequence.
Achilles died when his enemy shot a poisoned arrow into his heel. Achilles' heel was the only part of his body that was vulnerable; as a baby, he had been dipped into the River Styx by his mother, who held onto him by his ankle. Achilles' immersion made him impervious to harm, but because his ankle did not contact the river, it remained mortal and vulnerable. The idiom "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a fatal flaw, a chink in one's armor.
it's a really facinating history. Achillies was born and his mom dipped him into the river styx and he became unvunereble except for one of his heels at which his mom was holding him for. so a war came and Achilles attacke the enemy's govenor there were more wars then in the France War someone shot Achilles by the ankle and he died thus his ankle is worshipped.