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they were born to be slaves

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Q: Why did spartan women have so many responsibilities?
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What sports did ancient Greek spartan women play?

Spartan women - or rather: Spartan adolescent women - participated on an equal footing with Spartan boys in the so-called Gymnopaedia, a festifal where they displayed athletic as well as martial arts, and dancing. Ancient Greek sports were running, swimming, the long jump, discus and javelin throwing.

What are the rights of a Spartan woman?

The Spartan males recognised that their women had a strong role in rearing children and running the household while they themselves were involved in military training and operations. This contrasted with most of the other Greek city-states including Athens, where the women were kept in virtual purdah, running the home and garden and having children.

How did Athenian and Spartan womens roles differ in society?

The primary role of the Spartan woman was to bear children for the state. The Spartan woman could choose her own husband. A man was allowed to take any woman he wanted to be his wife, but if she did not want him, she was free to fight to prevent him from having her and could kill him if she chose and was able. The Spartan woman told her men as they went to war, husband or son, "Come back carrying your shield or on it".

What were the differences between Athens and Sparta?

Athens woman had to stay home and tent to the housework and chores. Spartan girls and woman were trained to be tough so they would have tough babies. The spartan women went to school and Sparta believed in sports instead of academics. Athenian women had to stay home however Athens was very enhanced in learning and educating their men.

Why weren't women in ancient Egypt allowed to become scribes?

I think women weren't allowed to be scribes because men were "so smart" and they thought they were so much better than women, and women have too many chores to do, so they won't have enough time to do anything! :(

Related questions

What sports did ancient Greek spartan women play?

Spartan women - or rather: Spartan adolescent women - participated on an equal footing with Spartan boys in the so-called Gymnopaedia, a festifal where they displayed athletic as well as martial arts, and dancing. Ancient Greek sports were running, swimming, the long jump, discus and javelin throwing.

Why was it important for spartan women to physically fit?

So they could participate in sports and events and there weren't many men around to lift things and such.

Did spartan warriors have makeup?

I don't believe so. Spartan warriors may have thought it demeaning to wear make-up. I might be wrong though. No and the spartan women were forbidden to wear make-up, perfume and jewellery.

Why was spartan culture so strict?

Spartan Law was so strict because of the many wars going on and there was overpopulation. So in all, it was to keep its crime, and population under control.

Who will win spartan or ninja?

In ninjas vs spartan I say ninjas are sift and light in weight were as the spartan is not swift and has lots of weight. So the ninja can win the spartan by hitting running and hiding and hitting again but the spartan by chance can catch the ninja and killing it. Now the spartan 's weapons are not much try about the ninja so many weapons and many deadly moves. At the end think who is the winner. BUT I tell you that THE NINJA is the winner.

What were the Spartan women trained to do?

By the fault

How does the Battle of Thermopylae embody the Spartan Ideals?

The answer is of how so few could kill so many.

What are the rights of a Spartan woman?

The Spartan males recognised that their women had a strong role in rearing children and running the household while they themselves were involved in military training and operations. This contrasted with most of the other Greek city-states including Athens, where the women were kept in virtual purdah, running the home and garden and having children.

How did Athenian and Spartan womens roles differ in society?

The primary role of the Spartan woman was to bear children for the state. The Spartan woman could choose her own husband. A man was allowed to take any woman he wanted to be his wife, but if she did not want him, she was free to fight to prevent him from having her and could kill him if she chose and was able. The Spartan woman told her men as they went to war, husband or son, "Come back carrying your shield or on it".

Why were so many field slaves women?

Many field slaves were women because they were perceived as better suited for tasks that required dexterity and attention to detail, such as planting and harvesting crops. Additionally, slaveholders often separated families by selling male slaves, leaving women to take on more responsibilities in the fields.

What are spartan's?

Slaves.!.!. i wish so...

Who is better spartan 117 or spartan 118?

Spartan 117 is Master Cheif and their is currently no spartan 118 so obviously Master Cheif would be the better spartan because spatan 118 dosent exist come on people get a life talk about history spartans