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Because of the many things that appeared in a civilization that needed to be recorded.

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Theodora Hartmann

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Q: Why did a system of record keeping develop civilization?
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What was the system of record keeping with string?

It's called Quipus.

What did the Aryans develop a writing system for?

To record their religious writings and legends.

What are the elements all of civilization?

1. advanced cities (including things such as homes, palaces, churches, or pyramids) 2. specialized workers (anything from farmers to doctors) 3. complex institution (schools, businesses, shops...) 4. record keeping (birth records, death records...) 5. advanced technology (anything from the wheel to computers)

Which civilization developed a system of wrighting using hieroglyphs?

The civilization that developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs is the Egyptian civilization. They were very advanced with their writing system.

Why is the egyptian civilization important?

The Egyptian civilization is an incredibly important civilization in human history because of its lasting influence on culture art language and architecture. The ancient Egyptians were the first to develop a writing system they developed a calendar and they made advancements in mathematics engineering and medicine. They were also the first to construct large-scale monuments and religious temples. This civilization has left behind a vast legacy of knowledge that has helped us understand the world today. Here are some of the important contributions of the Egyptian civilization: Developed a writing system Developed a calendar Advanced mathematics engineering and medicine Constructed large-scale monuments and religious temples Left behind a vast legacy of knowledgeThe contributions of the Egyptian civilization have had a lasting influence on the world and continue to shape our culture art language and architecture today.

Related questions

Why did a system of record of keeping develop in civilization?

Because of the many things that appeared in a civilization that needed to be recorded.

What do scholars believe societies must develop before they can have true civilization?

Scholars believe that societies must develop several key elements before they can have true civilization. These include a stable agrarian economy, organized social structures, writing systems for communication and record keeping, and a system of laws or codes to govern behavior. These factors are seen as crucial for the development of complex societies and the establishment of civilization.

Why did the neolithic people develop system of mathematics?

The Neolithic people developed a system of mathematics to help them in their everyday lives. Math helped them in agriculture, administrative engineering, and in record keeping.

Which civilization was the first to develop a system of hieroglyphics?

The Mesopotamians

A system of record keeping with string?


How did the cuneiform writing system effect mesopotamia civilization?

The cuneiform writing system greatly influenced Mesopotamian civilization by allowing for record-keeping, communication, and the recording of laws, administrative documents, and literature. This advancement helped in the development of complex societies and the spread of knowledge throughout the region.

What is the difference between an information system and record keeping?

The difference between record keeping and information system is that traditional record keeping is a manual process of controlling and governing important records of a business. While an information system is the same procedure via computer system making the process easier.

What was China's record keeping system?

Scrolls Library's

Why did Neolithic people develop systems of mathematics?

The Neolithic people developed a system of mathematics to help them in their everyday lives. Math helped them in agriculture, administrative engineering, and in record keeping.

What was the system of record keeping with string?

It's called Quipus.

Did the Inca society develop a written language?

No, the Inca society did not have a formal written language. Instead, they used a system of knotted strings called quipu for record-keeping and communication.

How did a system of writing help the Inca civilization develop?

It helped know the religion of that country