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Q: Why did Zeus give Aphrodite the amulet?
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Did Zeus give Aphrodite an amulet?

yes Zeus did give her an amulet it was gold and very valuable

What is the story about the amulet of Aphrodite?

When Zeus wanted Aphrodite(Daughter of Zues) to give a speech in the counsel of the gods, he had Hephestus(messenger of gods) to forge this neclace in her name. To encourage her he gave her an amulet which was named amulet of Aphrodite.

What is the amulet of Aphrodite?

The amulet of Aphrodite, according to Greek mythology, was given to Aphrodite, from Zeus, as a gift when she was born from the sea.

How old is the ampulet of Aphrodite?

In Greek mythology Zeus gave Aphrodite an amulet after she was born from the sea. Archaeological evidence has shown that this amulet was a cowry shell. There is no way to date this type of amulet because many of them have been found.

Is Aphrodite the son of Zeus?

Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus.

What did the Amulet of Aphrodite look like?

the amulet has a purple gem with gold and silver.

Was Aphrodite in an interesting story?

The Amulet was given to Aphrodite by her father Zues when Aphrodite rose from the sea.

Who are Aphrodite and Zeus?

Aphrodite and Zeus are a Greek god and goddes. Zeus is the leader of all the gods and Aphrodite is the goddess of love.

Were there any special abilities given to the wearer of the Amulet of Aphrodite?

no it was to encourage her when she was to give a speech in front of the gods and goddesses

Who had more affairs Aphrodite or Zeus?

Zeus had many affairs.So did Aphrodite,BUT Zeus had more affairs

Was Zeus married 2 Aphrodite?

No, he was not. Aphrodite refused to be seduced by Zeus, and Zeus made her marry Hephaestus.

Can you have a picture of the amulet of Aphrodite?

no only if you go in a museam