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Q: Why did Persephone steal the bolt from Hades and use it against him?
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Why is hades king of the underworld?

Hades is king of the underworld because he was caught trying to steal his brother Poseidons trident and his other brother Zeus lightning bolt. As a punishment Zeus banned Hades to the underworld forever.

What color was hades staff?

blue blue is the WRONG answer Poseidon's trident is blue like the ocean hades is black like death Zeus is yellow or gold like a lightning bolt

What was a famous story of hades?

Once upon a time, Zeus and Demeter had a little daughter. Her name was Persephone. She was goddess of the flowers, and with her petal soft skin and stem-like limbs she did in every aspect look like one. One day, while she was walking in the woods, she spotted a bush she hadn't seen before. She decided she didn't like it and uprooted it, then turned away, searching for a flower to care for. Suddenly, a black chariot sprang from the hole, and a man wearing a crimson cape grabbed her and then retreated. Meanwhile, Demeter was searching for Persephone. She sees the hole, and a nearby bird tells her what had happened. She realizes with dread that her daughter had been kidnapped by none other than Hades, god of the underworld. Heartbroken, Demeter begins to weep, just as a little boy runs near her. He sees her weeping and, thinking it strange for an adult to be crying, begins to laugh. Demeter then pointed to him and turned him into a lizard, and a hawk grabs him and eats him. Demeter then returns to Zeus' throne room to petition for her daughter. But,alas, Hades had given him a new lightning bolt from his underworld forges. Zeus said," They're a fit match. If they do not marry, and Persephone does not eat a single bite of food, I will order Hades to return her." Persephone, the flower-child, is now stuck somewhere plants struggle to grow, and not a ray of sunlight can be seen. Hades has tried his best to woo her and tempt her to eat, but besides admiring him for his strength and his empire, she is cold to him and ignores him. One day she was tending the night plants with the servant Hades had given her, the soul of the boy turned into a lizard by Demeter. He was eating a pomegranate, Persephone's favorite fruit, and offered her some. She ate six seeds, when her brother Hermes came to fetch her. Zeus realized she had eaten and sentenced her to six months every year of living with Hades. During these six months, Demeter would be so heartbroken that no crops would grow, and for three months leaves would fall and during the other three it would snow. And that is why the seasons change.

Who made the trident?

The Cyclops created and made his Trident. The Cyclops also created and made Zeus's Master bolt and Hades's Helm of Darkness from me

What are some possessions of greek gods?

Zeus has a lightning bolt, Posideon has a trident, Hermes has winged shoes, Athena has an owl, Apollo has a chariot and Artemis has a bow and arrow Hades has the Helm of Darkness

Related questions

Why does Persephone steal the bolt from Hades and use it against him?

Persephone stole the bolt and used it against Hades it so people think Hades is the bad guy but the bad guy is Persephone and she also stole the bolt and blamed it on Percy Jackson

Why did Hades steal Zeus' master bolt?

he didnt

How is Hades defeated in The Lightning Thief?

In "The Lightning Thief," Hades is tricked into accepting a fake bolt of lightning in place of the real one stolen by Percy Jackson. This causes Hades to release Percy's mother and the bolt, leading to his defeat.

Who is Persephone in the Percy Jackson movie?

Persephone is Hades's wife. In the movie, she helps Percy, Annabeth, and Sally escape the Underworld with the Lightning Bolt, because she does not want a war among the gods.

What did Ares steal from hades in The Lightning Thief?

Luke stole it, he Stole the Helm of Darkness and The Lightning Bolt

Why is hades king of the underworld?

Hades is king of the underworld because he was caught trying to steal his brother Poseidons trident and his other brother Zeus lightning bolt. As a punishment Zeus banned Hades to the underworld forever.

How do i get Zeus' thunder bolt?

Zeus' thunderbolt is a mythical weapon and not something that exists in reality. In mythology, Zeus wields the thunderbolt as a symbol of his power over the heavens.

Who is the kronos and titans lightning thief?

Kronos and the Titans used Luke Callestan to Steal Zeus's master lightning bolt and Hades Helm of Darkness.

According to Chiron what evidence suggests that hades stole the lighting bolt?

1- Hades bears a grudge against his two brothers Zeus and Poseidon. 2- If the gods fight each other, thousands of people would die and go to the underworld, thus enlarging the number of Hades's minions to the point where he could possibly rise up and overthrow his brothers to become king of the gods.

How did Luke get the bolt?

A group of campers (including Luke and Annabeth) went to Olympus for the Winter Solstice. Luke borrowed Annabeth's invisibility hat, and since the gods were not expecting anyone to even try and steal their symbols of power, it was easy for Luke to get away with both the Bolt and Hades's Helm of Darkness. Then, while on his way to bring the bolt/helm to Kronos, Ares found him and took them from him. He later tricked Percy into bringing the bolt to Hades in the Underworld.

Why does Percy want barter with Hades?

Percy wanted to barter with Hades because his mother was abducted by the Minotaur, that was sent by Hades to destroy Percy. Percy wanted to get his mother back, so he went to the underworld to barter with Hades. However, he was also sent to barter with Hades for the lightning bolt. Hades was accused of possessing the bolt, so Percy was sent to the underworld to get the bolt back.

Why does Chiron believe that Hades stole the bolt?
