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Because Poseidon would punish him by killing 14 of his men and keeping all there heads so he would remember what he had done.

Hope i helped :)

-Abby Wiliwitski

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Q: Why did Odysseus resist the mens suggestion to take the cyclops sheep and cheeses and sail away?
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What Odysseus determined to do and what temptation does he resist?

Odysseus is determined to be faithful to his wife Penelope, and he resists killing, other women, etc.

Why were Odysseus' men turned into swine?

They fell under circies spell, Odysseus was able to resist, because of moly that was given to him by Hermes.

What did Hermes give to Odysseus?

Hermes gave Odysseus several things: 1. A chance at escaping back to Ithaca when he tells Calypso to free Odysseus. 2. A sprig of Moly to resist Circe's magical charms. 3. Advice to Odysseus on how to defeat Circe.

How did circe help and hinder Odysseus?

Circe hinders Odysseus by first turning his men into animals and delaying Odysseus' progress. Once Odysseus manages to resist her spell (with Hermes' help), Odysseus then take her to bed for her to turn his men back into humans. For a year after, Odysseus feasts and stays with Circe, which further delays his return to Ithaca. When Odysseus and his men feel it is time to leave, Circe helps Odysseus by advising him to visit the prophet Teiresias in the Underworld. There he learns of the dangers ahead of Scylla, Charybdis, the Sirens, and Helios' cattle.

What happened to Odysseus' men when they went to Circe's palace?

When Odysseus' advance party discover Circe's palace in the middle of the forest, Circe [Falcon] invites them in and gives them a meal. The men all behave disrespectfully so Circe makes the food with a magical poison, and all of the sailors are transformed into pigs, except Eurylochus - who expected a trap and has eaten nothing. Eurylochus escapes and warns Odysseus. Odysseus sets out to rescue his men, but is intercepted by Hermes. Hermes tells Odysseus that he can resist Circe's poison by using the herb Moly. Odysseus convinces Circe to release his men and then There is then quite a lot more story - but at the end Odysseus leaves with his men, and they can continue with their journey. Odysseus sent some men out and those men were turned into animals. When Odysseus tried to set them free she said she would not do it unless he lay with her.

Related questions

What Odysseus determined to do and what temptation does he resist?

Odysseus is determined to be faithful to his wife Penelope, and he resists killing, other women, etc.

Why were Odysseus' men turned into swine?

They fell under circies spell, Odysseus was able to resist, because of moly that was given to him by Hermes.

Herb given to Odysseus by Hermes?

In Homer's "Odyssey," Hermes gave Odysseus a magical herb called "moly" to protect him from Circe's enchantments. The herb helped Odysseus resist Circe's spells and remain in control of his own actions.

Who comes to help Odysseus with his problem with Circe?

Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.

Who helps Odysseus survive circe trick?

Hermes, the messenger god, tells Odysseus how to resist Circe's magic and guides him on what he needs to do to overcome the enchantment.

What did Hermes give to Odysseus?

Hermes gave Odysseus several things: 1. A chance at escaping back to Ithaca when he tells Calypso to free Odysseus. 2. A sprig of Moly to resist Circe's magical charms. 3. Advice to Odysseus on how to defeat Circe.

What does Hermes give to Odysseus to protect him from?

Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.

What does Hermes give Odysseus to protect him from Circe's magic?

Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.

Who advises Odysseus on how to not become a pig?

Hermes advises Odysseus on how to avoid Circe's spell that turns men into pigs by giving him a special herb called moly to protect him. Odysseus follows Hermes' instructions and is able to resist Circe's magic.

What does Hermes tell Odysseus to do to defeat circe?

Hermes advises Odysseus to use the herb Moly to resist Circe's enchantments. He tells Odysseus to draw his sword and threaten Circe with harm if she attempts to bewitch him. Finally, he instructs Odysseus to make Circe swear an oath not to harm him before he agrees to her hospitality.

How did circe help and hinder Odysseus?

Circe hinders Odysseus by first turning his men into animals and delaying Odysseus' progress. Once Odysseus manages to resist her spell (with Hermes' help), Odysseus then take her to bed for her to turn his men back into humans. For a year after, Odysseus feasts and stays with Circe, which further delays his return to Ithaca. When Odysseus and his men feel it is time to leave, Circe helps Odysseus by advising him to visit the prophet Teiresias in the Underworld. There he learns of the dangers ahead of Scylla, Charybdis, the Sirens, and Helios' cattle.

What is the name of the flower in The Odyssey?

The flower that puts them to sleep is the lotus the flower that Hermes gives Odysseus to resist Circe's spell is called 'Moly'