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because they were all jealous of him and wanted his power.

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Q: Why did Odysseus have enemies?
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Was Polyphemus Odysseus' first mate?

No. Polyphemus and Odysseus become mortal enemies.

Who were Odysseus' enemies?

During The Iliad, Odysseus' enemies were mainly members of the Trojan army, specifically Hector. The gods on the Trojan's side were also his enemies, notably Hera, Zeus (for a while), Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus and Apollo.Note that many of the gods switch sides depending on which side was winning at the time.During The Odyssey, Odysseus' biggest enemy becomes Poseidon, as Odysseus offends Poseidon by blinding his son Polyphemos. Other enemies Odysseus has include:Polyphemus and the other cyclops,Scylla and Charybdis,Apollo (after slaughtering the cattle of Helios)andPenelope's Suitors.

Did Odysseus slay a monster?

He did what had to be done to help his brothers to defeat the enemies!

Who were Odysseus's enemy's?

During The Iliad, Odysseus' enemies were mainly members of the Trojan army, specifically Hector. The gods on the Trojan's side were also his enemies, notably Hera, Zeus (for a while), Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus and Apollo.Note that many of the gods switch sides depending on which side was winning at the time.During The Odyssey, Odysseus' biggest enemy becomes Poseidon, as Odysseus offends Poseidon by blinding his son Polyphemos. Other enemies Odysseus has include:Polyphemus and the other cyclops,Scylla and Charybdis,Apollo (after slaughtering the cattle of Helios)andPenelope's Suitors.

The struggle between Odysseus and the suitors the gods appear to?

In the struggle between Odysseus and the suitors, the gods appear to favor Odysseus. Athena, in particular, helps Odysseus by guiding him and aiding in his plans to defeat the suitors. The intervention of the gods ensures Odysseus's ultimate triumph over his enemies.

Who was the enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus's ships?

Doctor who is awesome allons-y

In Book XVII who first approaches Odysseus when he returns to Ithaca and warns him that his home is full of enemies.?

The first person to approach Odysseus upon his return to Ithaca is Athena disguised as a young shepherd. She warns him that his home is full of enemies and advises him on how to handle the situation.

Who are the enemies of the Cyclops?

Odysseus defeated the Cyclops by blinding him, and (to add insult to injury--literally!) told him that his name was "No one."

Which does not express a value from the story of Odysseus and the cyclops?

In Greek mythology, the story of Odysseus and the cyclops does not express the value of forgiveness or mercy towards one's enemies. Instead, it focuses on themes of cunning, survival, and revenge.

Who is Odysseus enemies?

Many people The Trojans and their King he was fighting the war against but mainly the god Poseidon because he blinded his son.

Why does Odysseus spare the lives of phemios and medon?

Odysseus spares the lives of Phemios and Medon because they were not involved in the suitors' wrongdoing. Phemios was a bard who was forced to entertain the suitors, and Medon was a herald who tried to protect Penelope and Telemachus during the chaos. Odysseus recognized that they were not his enemies and spared them from harm.

What conclusion about Odysseus the speaker is best supported by the excerpt?

The excerpt suggests that the speaker views Odysseus as a skilled and cunning leader who is able to navigate challenging situations with intelligence and cleverness. The speaker admires Odysseus for his ability to overcome obstacles and outsmart his enemies through his resourcefulness and strategic thinking.