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cuz they wanted power and fame

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Q: Why did Greek city-states often fight with each other?
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Why did citystates fight each other?

To gain land for farming

Why did greek city-states often fight each other?

cuz they wanted power and fame

Who did the Greek's fight?

Other countries that they hated...

When are greek gods and goddesses born?

More often then not; from other Greek deities.

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Each other. Athens and Sparta, with their respective Greek allies, fought each other. The Persian Empire later sided with Sparta against Athens, but mostly it was Greek against Greek.

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They may, but will not do much harm to each other if they do.

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If they hate each other and often get into fights yes, but sometimes they are great pals!

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Philip II and Alexander the Great

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Yes but they fight and that doesn't happen often in any other sports.

Did Greek gods originate as normal people?

no they didn't, but they fight and cheat on each other a lot like normal people