This is unknown, because only the Greeks wrote about their myths at that time.
The greeks created greek myths
Myths to Live By was created in 1972.
Myths of Ífè was created in 1921.
There are Greek and Roman myths and legends. Have you ever heard of Hercuels, Medusa, Jupiter, Zeus.
The ancient Egyptians believed in "myths" because they were a part of their religion.
Every nation in the ancient Near East had its own creation myths. S. H. Hooke (Middle Eastern Mythology) describes the story of Adam and Eve as a myth with similarities to more ancient Mesopotamian myths. This story was unknown to the Egyptians because their own myths developed independently.
by helping you be more curious
There are gods and myths which the ancient Egyptians borrowed from other cultures and cultures which took myth and gods and goddesses from Egyptians. Many cultures in that area lived and traded and communicated with each other for thousands upon thousands of years, so "stolen" myths and gods and goddesses on both sides are to be expected.
You can tell that the after-life was important to the Ancient Egyptians because so much of their society was based around it: myths, ritual, art, architecture and more were all dedicated to it.
Now? None, modern Egyptians follow the faith of Islam and Christianity and Judaism.
Almost all. The Celts, the Greeks, the Romans, the Native Americans, the Egyptians, pretty much all of Asia, Africa, America, and the Pacific Islands.
The Egyptians and the Greeks created myths to explain what was going on in the world and to set their morals. For Example: The Greeks created the story of Hades stealing Demeter's daughter Persephone to explain the season because they did not know about science and that the seasons were caused by the tilt of the world in relation to the sun.
Myths are myths, and historians pass on the myths.
Myths are myths, and historians pass on the myths.
There are many myths that recur around the world, such as creation myths, myths about the origin of fire, and flood myths.
Myths Are True?