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Q: Why Hermes hated Medusa?
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What is the Greek forms of the names Medusa Hermes and Prometheus?

Medusa : Μεδουσα/Μεδουση Hermes : Ἑρμης Prometheus : Προμηθευς

Who helped perseus to to get the head of Medusa?

Athena, Hermes, and hercules. :)

Who did perseus fight?

Perseus overcame the Gorgon Medusa with the shield, Aegis, from Athena and flying sandals from HErmes.

Did Athena and Hermes go on Perseus' journey?

Nope, they only helped him with 5 gifts that Hermes had given him , then Hermes helped him to get directions to find medusa

How did Perseus find Medusa?

he had help from Hermes and Athena to guide him to the underworld

How did Hermes and Athena help perseus?

Athena gave Perseus a polished shield, and Hermes gave Perseus a sword to attack Medusa with.

What is the code for Hermes' wings howrse?

i do not believe there is such a thing. what does it do? do you mean medusa's blood?

What three items did Perseus get besides the flying shoes?

Athena hated Medusa because in ancient times the raped were the punished not the rapist. Medusa was beautiful beyond means and Posiedon noticed this. When Medusa saw Posiedon she ran for the temple to pray. This did not stop Posiedon. He took her on the cold ground. Athena did not like this so she turned Medusa hideous. Later on when Perseus was about to battle Medusa, Athena figured she would help. She gave Perseus, Hermes' winged sandals, Hades' invisibility helmet and her own shield.

What was Medusa's role on Mt Olympus?

Medusa didnt excactly have a role. She was a monster so the Olympians hated her. But when Perseus (Greek Hero) slayed Medusa he sent it to Mt. Olympus.

Why did Medusa hate people?

Medusa didn't actually hate people, she hated men. She was raped by Poseidon, god of sea, that was seen by Athena. Athena hated Medusa for it even though it was not her fault, but she still got cursed by Athena. That's why Medusa hates men, because she got turned ugly, turns people to stone with her eyes and got raped by a man. If I was Medusa, I would also hate men.

What gods favored Perseus?

Hermes and Athena helped him on his quest to kill Medusa and Zeus was his father

Who helped perseus kill Medusa?

Athena and Hermes helped Perseus kill Medusa.