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Q: Why Helen was persuaded by goddess Aphrodite's to elope with Paris?
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Which goddess did Paris choose as most fair and why?

Paris said that the Goddess Aphrodite was the most fair, because she offered him the best prize(in his opinion): the most beautiful woman in the world(Helen of Sparta, who became Helen of Troy) to be his bride.

Who is Helen the greek god?

Helen was'nt a goddess. According to Greek legend, Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, promised her to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, to reward Paris for judging Aphrodite the fairest of the goddesses.

Where in The Iliad does it mention Paris taking Helen?

After the Judgment of Paris, in which Paris determined Aphrodite to be the most beautiful of the goddesses in return for the love of the most beautiful woman on earth (Helen), Paris had to go kidnap Helen because she was already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. In some versions of the myth, she goes willingly.

What role did a golden apple play in the Trojan war?

The apple was given by the three goddess, Aphrodite, Athena and Hera, to Paris telling him that he must give the apple to the goddess whome the thinks, "The Fairest of them All". Aphrodite offered that he will give, Helen, the most beautiful woman to Paris if Paris will give her the apple. Paris accepted the offer and Aphrodite gave Helen to him.

Did Minerva make Helen fall in love with Paris?

some people think it was Eros (aka cupid) who shot an arrow to Helen making her fall in love with Paris and some people think it was an a spell from the goddess of love

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What was Paris the goddess of?

Paris was not a goddess - he was a man, a main character in the story of Helen of Sparta.

Why did Aphrodite bribe Paris with Helen?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love: love is the nature of her domain, thus the love of Helen and Paris.

What kind of goddess is Helen of troy?

Helen was not a goddess. She was the daughter of the King of Sparta who was married to Menelaus and spirited away by Paris, prince of Troy.

Which goddess helps Priam's son Paris abduct Helen?


Who were Paris and Helen?

Paris was a prince of Troy. Helen was the woman supposedly given to him by a goddess. Helen was married to a Greek king. The capture (though willingly on Helen's part) supposedly started the Trojan War.

How did Aphrodite make Helen fall in love with paris?

Aphrodite promised Paris the love of the most beautiful mortal woman if he chose her as the fairest goddess. As a result, Aphrodite influenced Helen's feelings and actions to fall in love with Paris, leading to the events of the Trojan War.

Which goddess did Paris choose as most fair and why?

Paris said that the Goddess Aphrodite was the most fair, because she offered him the best prize(in his opinion): the most beautiful woman in the world(Helen of Sparta, who became Helen of Troy) to be his bride.

Who was goddess Helen?

Helen was the daugher of Zeus and she married Menelaus of Sparta. She got kidnapped by Paris of Troy and this is what caused the Trojan War.

A short description on Helen and Prince Paris of Troy?

Helen, queen of Sparta, was kidnapped by Paris, prince of Troy, as part of a deal that Paris made with Aphrodite, goddess of love. For more info, look up the story 'The Judgement of Paris'.

Who is Helen the greek god?

Helen was'nt a goddess. According to Greek legend, Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, promised her to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, to reward Paris for judging Aphrodite the fairest of the goddesses.

Where in The Iliad does it mention Paris taking Helen?

After the Judgment of Paris, in which Paris determined Aphrodite to be the most beautiful of the goddesses in return for the love of the most beautiful woman on earth (Helen), Paris had to go kidnap Helen because she was already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. In some versions of the myth, she goes willingly.

What role did a golden apple play in the Trojan war?

The apple was given by the three goddess, Aphrodite, Athena and Hera, to Paris telling him that he must give the apple to the goddess whome the thinks, "The Fairest of them All". Aphrodite offered that he will give, Helen, the most beautiful woman to Paris if Paris will give her the apple. Paris accepted the offer and Aphrodite gave Helen to him.