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Cyrus the Great dominated the Medes, and the combined power launched the spread of the Persians into their own empire.

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Q: Whose victory against the Medes marked the begining of the Persian Empire?
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What were the consquences of the Persian Wars?

Athens turned the Delian League which it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own.

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Athens turned the Delian League which it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own.

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It allowed it to convert the Delian League which it led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own and live high on the hog on the proceeds.

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It did greatly, turning the Delian League it had led into an empire of its own.

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Greek city-states within the Persian Empire in Asia Minor were induced to revolt against Persian rule, and it expanded to include mainland Greece.

What contibuted to the fall of the Persian empire?

The superiority of the forces which Alexander assembled against it.