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There are numerous leaders of the Persian Empire who have ruled throughout history. See the below link for a list.

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Q: Who were the rulers of the Persian Empire?
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Related questions

How did the Persian Empire rulers unite their vast empire?

They divided it into 20 provinces (satrapies) with a Persian provincial governor (Satrap) in control supervised by the king and his council.

What were the Persian kings?

The rulers of an empire stretching from Libya to central Asia in the 5th, 4th and 3rd Centuries BCE.

How did Persian rulers unite their vast empire?

They divided the empire into 20 provinces with Persian governors who were responsible to the king and his council for internal and external security, collecting taxes and improving prosperity.Local rulers continued to rule the cities, tribes and principalities according to their own customs. Aramaic was made the common communication language.

How did Persian rulers divide their vast empire?

They created 20 provinces, each with a Persian provincial governor. These governors supervised the local rulers, provided internal and external security, and organised collection of taxes. The king and his council supervised the governors (satraps).

What art forms from other civilizations were copied and used by the rulers of the Persian Empire?

Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Lydian, Phoenician, Greek.

Why did the Persian people oppose their ruler?

This depends on the time period. For the vast majority of Persian history, the Persian people actively supported their rulers, especially during the Achaemenid Empire, which is often seen as the Golden Age of Persia. The main criticism of the Persian rulers came during the Imperialist Period where the Qajjar Shahs had a policy of selling business concessions to Europeans. This angered the Persian population because it led to a diminishing of national Persian culture and an influx of Western influence and ideals.

Who was the Persian empire?

The Persian Empire was not a person.

What was the name of the Persian Empire?

The Persian Empire.

How did the Persian rulers unite their vast empire?

They divided it into 20 provinces (satrapies) with a Persian provincial governor (Satrap) in control supervised by the king and his council.

What empire is east of Sparta and Athens?

Persian Empire

What was Persian Empire divided into?

Twenty provinces (Satrapies) each controlled by a Persian governor (Satrap) responsible to the Persian king and his council for supervising the province's indigenous rulers, keeping external and internal security, establishing prosperity and collection of taxes.

How would you describe the Persian empire?

What best describes the Persian Empire is an empire that we're very strong and fought many battles. Also they we're an empire that had an enormous empire! The biggest of the time, that stretched over the vast lands of Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a little tiny bit of India. They also had some magnificent leaders, that rulers for many years. So obviously the Persian Empire was a great period of history.