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Honestly - only God knows. But historians and researchers have there theories and guesses. Obviously the Native Americanswere here before us Westerners, but...the Indians themselves have stories of the people who were in the land before them. This part of history (being so far back and not as thoroughly documented is almost completely forgotten.

Giants! Yes giants were apparently here first. People, who were according to Indian tale and even Smithsonian fossils, stood 8 - 10 feet tall! In a few rare cases some were even closer to 12 or 13 feet high. Some museums have only the large skulls while others have a full or almost full body skeleton of these very tall people. These skeletons remain in museum vaults along with other related artifacts of strange or unknown origins for decades often being forgotten and lost to time. Where these tall people, or giants came from is just as big a mystery however. But the bones exist so, they obviously existed at some point in the past and are not just Fairy Tales after all.

From a Biblical perspective, they are probably descendants of the ancient Nephilim race that first appeared when the Sons of God came down before and then after the flood as recorded in Genesis 6 and the Books of Enoch and Jasher.

From an evolutionary stand point - this becomes even more difficult to explain. The near silence from the scientific community on these giant bones is probably do to this very problem - the difficulty to explain these tall people in a Darwinian developmental sort of way. But of course, most scientists probably have no clue such artifacts exist. As we said before, these item are buried deep in ancient museum archives.

Other groups of people that might possibly have been to the North American continent first could be the Chinese and Romans. Roman artifacts such as swords have been found in America. There is also the possibility of the sea faring Phoenicians being visitors to American shores as well.

And then there is Atlantis...

Or even aliens from the great past...

All I know for certain is - God was there before anyone was there. He created everything after all.

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The first people in the Americas were the native Americans who reached there by crossing the Bering Strait into Alaska, at the time there was an ice age so they could cross

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