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Athena the Greek goddess was patron of Athens, she was goddess of wise counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and other crafts.

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Q: Who was the patron god of Athens and what did this god represent?
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Do you mean the patron god? Because the god is Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts.

What did poseidon do to try to win the competition in between him and Athena?

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Poseidon the sea god was patron of Corinth.

Who were the patron gods or goddesses of Athens?

Athena was the patron goddess of Athens.

What Greek god was the protector of Athens city?

The patron of the city of Athens was the godess Athena (Αθηνά in greek).

What kind of mythology did they have in ancient Athens?

Mainly anthropomorphic deities and personified concepts as in all of Ancient Greece. Athena (one of the 12 Olympians) was the patron God of Athens.

Is this god a patron god of any city or area?

Yes, many ancient gods were considered patron deities of specific cities or regions. For example, Athena was the patron goddess of Athens in ancient Greece, while Quetzalcoatl was a significant deity in the Aztec city of Tula.

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Megara worshiped many gods, having temples to Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, and others.

Who is Athena the patron of?


What was Athena good at?

Athena was the goddess of wisdom and battle and patron god of soldiers and the city of Athens. She created the olive tree.

Did Poseidon have any famous conflicts?

His most famous conflict was with Athena over who would be the patron god/goddess of Athens.