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Q: Who was the legend of Trojan said to have begun rome?
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Why might the Romans have looked back to the Trojan was for a sense of legitimacy?

The Romans claimed descent from the Trojans. This was done through the legend of Aeneas, who survived the Trojan War with the help of the gods. He then landed in Latium (land of the Latins) and founded the Latin city of Lavinium. His son Ascanius founded the Latin city of Alba Longa and it royal dynasty. Romulus and Remus, the twins of the legend of the foundation of Rome, were said to be the sons of Silvia Rhea, the daughter of the deposed king of Alba Longa. This bridged the 400 year gap between the date of the Trojan War and the date of the foundation of Rome.

What legend is Rome founded on?

The legend in which Rome was founded on is Aeneas, the hero from troy. Also, there is Romulus and Remus who were these two brothers who both wanted the power. Romulus killed Remus and named Rome after himself

What was the two legend in rome and how were the two legends connected?

The legend of the foundation of Rome is the legend of Romulus and Remus. The twins decided to found a city in the area of Rome and disagreed about which hill to choose. Romulus wanted the Palatine Hill and Remus wanted the Aventine Hill. Romulus won the dispute and built a sacred wall around the Palatine. A jealous Remus violated the wall and Romulus killed him. Romulus was the founder of Rome.The other legend is the legend of Aeneas. He was a hero of the Trojan War who escaped the war with the help of two gods. He landed in Latium (land of the Latins) and founded the Latin city of Lavinium. His son, Ascanius, founded the Latin city of Alba Longa and its royal dynasty.The Romans liked to claim descent from the Trojans. Romulus and Remus were said to have been the sons of Silvia Rhea, the daughter of the deposed king of Alba Longa. This bridged the 400 year gap between the date of the foundation of Rome and the date of the Trojan War.

Was Rome founded by a legendary figure named Aeneas?

The legend does not have Aeneas founding Rome - that was Romulus and Remus. Supposedly after deserting Troy after its capture by the Archeans, Aeneas went via Carthage to central Italy and there in Latinum became the ancestor of Romulus and Remus, but did not found Rome.

What was the origin of Rome?

Rome begun in the 9th or 8th century BC. Rome was said to be found in 754 BC by two twin boys named Romulus and Remus the sons of Mars. the twins were abandoned by their parents.

How did ancient Rome began?

It is though that Rome was created with the unification of separate settlements of what were to become the Seven Hills of Rome under a single state and under the rule of a king. The legend of Romulus and Remus is the legend of the foundation of Rome, in which Romulus became the founder and first king of Rome. The foundation was said to have involved a fusion between Latins and the Sabines who lived on two of the seven hills.

How many years passes from thefall of troy to the founding of rome?

The Trojan War said to have occurred in the 13th or 12th century. The foundation of Rome was aid to have occurred in 753 BC. That makes some 400 years.

When was the Trojan War said to have taken place?

the Trojan War was said to have taken place around 1200 BC

What happened to virgil in the Trojan war?

Nothing. Virgil was a Roman writer who wrote about the events following the Trojan War, specifically the journey of Aeneas (a Trojan hero who barely escaped the burning of his city and eventually went on to found a fairly unremarkable city called Rome). Virgil was writing centuries after the Trojan War, so nothing happened to him during said war.

Who won the Trojan war and how was it won?

It is said that the GREEKS won the Trojan war.It is also said that they won it in a big woodan horse.Do you know WHY it was called the Trojan war?If No, it is called the Trojan war because it happent in a villedge called TROY123Nay

Who does the Romans trace their origin?

The Romans traced their origins to the unification of separate settlements on what were to be the Seven Hills of Rome into a unified state under the rule of Romulus, Rome's founder and first king. The foundation was also said to have involved a fusion between Latins and some Sabines who settled on two of the seven hills. There was also a legend that had Romulus as a descendant of Ascanius who funded the Latin city of Alba Longa and its royal dynasty. He and his twin brother Remus were the sons of Rhea Silvia, the daughter of the deposed king of that city. Ascanius was the son of Aeneas, a legendary figure who was meant to have survived the Trojan War with the help of two gods and who landed in Latium (land of the Latins) and founded the Latin city of Lavinium. Therefore, the Romans claimed descent from the Trojans. However, this was based on legend. In reality the Latins were not related to the Trojans. The legend of Aeneas served to bridge a 400-year gap between the date of the foundation of Rome and the date of the Trojan War.

How did Vergil's Aeneid re waken roman pride?

The Aeneid is an epic about Aeneas, a hero of the Trojan war who sailed the Mediterranean Sea, landed in Italy and went to the city of Lavium in Latium (the land of the Latins) just south of Rome (Rome was a Latin city). Latinus, the king of the Latins welcomed him and is companions. Latinus and Aeneas' men defeated the Rutuli in a war. This is how the Aeneids ends. The story of the Aeneid is linked with a Roman legend according to which, through Aeneas, the Romans were descendants of the Trojans. According to the legend of the foundation of Rome, Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, founded the city of Alba Longa and its Royal house. In the very early days of the Latins Alba Longa (not Rome) was the chief city of the Latins. The legend said that the founder of Rome, Romulus, and his twin brother, Remus were born into the Royal family of Alba Longa and, therefore, descendants of Aeneas and the Trojans. The Romans claimed that they were descendants of the heroic Trojans and were proud of this.