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Cyrus the Great.

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Q: Who was the leader who organized the Persian Empire?
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Who was the leader of the Persian Empire?

the leader of Persia was ahmadi nejad

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Who Destroied the Neo Babylonian empire?

Cyrus, leader of the Persian empire

In what Islamic country can the Persian empire be located?

The Persian Empire covered many countries, but was primarily based and organized in the modern state of Iran.

What Persian ruler angered the Ionian Greeks when he organized the empire?

Darius I.

Who organized the Persian Empire into 20 provinces?

King Darius the Great.

Which leader founded the Persian Empire?

Cyrus the Great.

Which leader of the Persian empire extended it as the largest empire ever seen?


Which leader expanded the Persian Empire into the largest empire in the world?

Cyrus the Great.

Who was the Leader of Macedonia that conquered the Persian Empire?

Alexander the Great.

What leader began the Persian Empire along the northeast coast of the Persian Gulf?

Cyrus the Great.

Which leader of the Persian empire extended it to become the largest empire the would had yet seen?
