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Q: Who was the first holy Roman Emperor after Charlemagne?
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Why was Charlemagne crowned emperor of the Romans?

Charlemagne was not crowned emperor of the Romans. He was crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor, which had nothing to do with ancient Rome. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a Germanic kingdom of the Middle Ages.

Who crowned Charlemagne the emperor of the Romans?

no one did but the pope crowned him emperor of the franks.AnswerPope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day in the year 800 in St. Peter's Basilicia.

Who anointed Charlemagne holy roman emperor?

It happened in Rome, on Christmas night of the year 800, when pope Leo 3rd , at the end of the mass in the basilic of Saint Peter, crowned Charles of the Franks as ''Ceasar and Emperor of the Romans''. Charles was dressed as a roman senator, the frank army officers in the church claimed him saying ''To Charles the Great, pious emperor krowned by God, life and victory'', while the roman people in the square in front of the basilical church claimed him as ''Charles Augustus, Great and pious Emperor of the Romans''. To note: Charlemagne was entitled Ceasar and Emperor of the Romans, not Holy Roman Emperor. The first who took this tile was only Otto 1st of Saxony in 963 a.D.

Why did Charlemagne not want to be crowned Emperor by the Pope in 800 AD on Christmas day?

How do you get this idea? He was actually crowned on Christmas day of 800! His coronation created the Holy Roman Empire which existed until 1806! Historians dont actaully know weather or not he was pleased or displeased, but the contemporary account is that he was happy about his cornation becasue it would be useful to him having the imperoal title obviously, and was thankful to the church and the Papacy but also felt regretful for being viewed as a subject of the Papacy Charlemagne heartily disliked the Church and suspected trickery by the Pope. Incidentally, he wasn't crowned 'Holy Roman Emperor', just 'emperor'. The idea that he was the first Holy Roman Emperor is a much later fiction. The earliest mention of the Holy Roman Empire dates from about 1250.

Where does the surname palladino originate?

The surname 'Palladino' originates from Italy and Spain. The surname was first founded in Andalucia, in southern Spain where the Palladinos held a family seat. The first recorded Palladino was a medieval knight and the nephew of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne.

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What title was Charlemagne given by Pope Leo III in 800AD?

He was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.

What was Charlemagne crowned?

He was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor.

Who was crowned the emperor of the holy roman empire?


Did Charlemagne become the first Holy Roman Emperor?

He created a central government for Western Europe.

What describes the accomplishments of Charlemagne?

He was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He temporarily united Europe.

How did the pope reward Charlemagne for crushing an unruly mob?

He was crowned an Emperor, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800.

What was Charlemagne named the Emperor of by Pope Leo III?

Holy Roman Emperor.

Who crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor?

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne.

Who was given the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE and why?