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According to Greek Mythology, as explained in Homer's Epic, The Odyssey, the father of the Cyclopes was POSEIDON, God of the Sea/Ocean.

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Q: Who was the father of the cyclopes?
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Why does Odysseus decide not to kill the cyclopes?

Because the cyclopes' father which was the god of sea would punish him or kill him if he did. So he escaped without killing him to be safe but the Cyclopes prays to his father to kill Odysseus. :)

Who is the father of the titans and cyclopes?

In Greek mythology, the father of the Titans and Cyclopes is Uranus, the primordial god of the sky. He was considered the progenitor of these powerful beings before being overthrown by his son, Cronus.

What does the Cyclopes pray for?

In literature, the Cyclopes pray for revenge against Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, their brother. They invoke their father, Poseidon, for help in seeking revenge.

What was Cyclops' father's name?

There were tones of cyclopes, but Poseidon was the father of most of them If you mean X-men, his name was Corsair.

Who are Ouranos's children?

Ouranos (Uranus) was the father of the Titans, the Furies, the Meliae, the Gigantes, the Cyclopes, the Hecantonchires and Aphrodite.

Did Zeus create lighting bolts?

No, during the war when Zeus was overthrowing his father, Cronus, The cyclopes forged it.

Who are Zeus' allies against Cronus?

Zues' allies against his father Kronos(Cronus)were his siblings and the cyclopes he freed from Tartarus

How did the cyclopes begin?

The cyclopes where the bastard children of Poseidon.

Did the poesidon have kids?

Poseidon has had a couple kids but he also is the father of most Cyclopes which are creatures with only one eye and they are very strong.

Which child was hidden by Cronus?

Cronus didn't hide any children. It was his father, Uranus, who hid Cronus' brothers, Hecatonchires and Cyclopes.

When was Les Cyclopes created?

Les Cyclopes was created in 1987.

What are Odysseus feelings about the Cyclopes?

The Odysseus feelings about the Cyclopes is unbearable. The Odysseus is very graceful to the Cyclopes but he just doesn't understand.