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Q: Who was the emporer of the Aztecs?
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Who is the Aztecs chief?

The first Aztec Emporer was Belango Doflango.

What were things that helped Spain defeat the Aztecs?

An emporer that was ousted 500 years before Cortez arrived promised he would return 500 years later. A coincedence that he arrived when he did, many of the Aztecs belived Cortez was the emporer returning or sent by the emporer. With their belief that emporers were gods they did not put up much of a fight. (Someone deleted this answer before, this is an answer to this question, message me with the problem to it)

What Indian empire dominated Mexico at the time of the spanish conquest?

Aztecs, Hernando Cortes led a small miltary expedition against the Aztecs and their powerful emporer, Montezuma.

Who killed the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortes and his group killed the Aztecs because the refused to belive in christ ,becaues they belived in many gods and goddeness. Also, As they explored Aztecs City, they would rape and kill people to get to the emporer, who they too, murdered brutally.

What jobs did the ancient Aztecs have?

The ancient Aztecs farmed, fished, and hunted for jobs and food. Their Social Status: Emporer/Ruler Cheifstans Preists Specialists/Warriors Artisans Farmers Slaves(From conquered communities)

How did Aztecs die out?

How the Aztecs died:The Aztecs died From The spanish coming and invading their City. It is Believed they also brought small pox with them, wich helped kill the aztecs. The Spanish Killed people as they were exploring the world. End they Killed the emporer at that time too. Rumor Has it they would rape and kill thousands of women every day.

Who was called the peasant emporer?

Emporer Joseph II

How do you spell emporer?

The correct spelling of emporer is emperor.

Where does the Emporer Penguin live?

The Emporer penguin lives in the Antarctica

What was the first emporer to rule china?

The first emporer wasQin Shi Huangdi.

Why did Shinto end?

Because the Emporer was overthrown and State Shintoism was the "Emporer System"