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Q: Who was the ancient that founded the systemized study of natural history?
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How old is the Field Musuem of Natural History?

The Field Museum of Natural History was founded in 1893, making it 123 years old.

Who founded the natural history museum?

Richard Owen was the founder of the Natural History museum. He was an English biologist whose expertise was identifying fossils.

How are myths conveyed in literature?

As ancient telling of history, nature, natural phenomena, ritual, and humanity.

Pictographs-where can you find it?

They are very ancient,back from 5000 BCE,so you can probably find them in museums on Chinese Natural History.

What is the museum of natural in The Catcher in the Rye?

The Museum of Natural History in New York. It is a museum of examples of early man and many kinds of animals, fossils, ancient pottery, etc.

Is the natural history museum natural?

no, but its history is

Who founded shadows?

Shadows were not founded by any specific individual. They have existed as a natural phenomenon created by obstructing light sources since the beginning of time. Artists and filmmakers have used shadows creatively in their work throughout history.

What religions were founded in 500 bc?

Two major religions that were founded around 500 BC are Jainism, which was founded by Mahavira in ancient India, and Taoism, which emerged in China with the teachings of Laozi. Both religions emphasize spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Was ancient corinth rich in natural resources?

Ancient coring were rich in natural recources

When was Of Natural History created?

Of Natural History was created in 2003.

When was sodium found?

Natural products can not be founded only human constructs can be founded.

When was London's British Museum established?

London's British Museum was established in the year 1753. It was founded to promote universal understanding through arts, natural sciences, and history.