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Tartarus was never a Titan; his mates have been Tartara, Gaea, and Nemesis.

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Q: Who was tartarus the greek titan's wife?
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Who is Angry with Zeus or locking the titans in tartarus?

The Greek goddess Gaea

Who was angry with Zeus for locking the Titans in tartarus?

Gaea was mad at Zeus for having locked the Titans in Tartarus. Gaia is the Greek Mother Goddess, and Terra is her Roman equivalent.

Did Helios get sent to Tartarus?

In some versions of Greek mythology, Helios was not sent to Tartarus. He was one of the Titans who remained neutral during the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympian gods.

Why was gaea important in the greek mythology?

Gaea was the mother of titans and giants, while tartarus is the father.

Who Lived in Tartarus?

In Greek mythology, Tartarus was a place where the most wicked beings and Titans were imprisoned. It was a deep, dark pit beneath the earth where monsters and villains such as the Titans, Sisyphus, Tantalus, and Ixion were said to be punished for their crimes against the gods.

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The revenge was because the OLYMPIAN GODS imprisoned Gaea's children, the Titans in the TARTARUS

Why did Zeus and the other Greek gods destroy the titans?

Because the Titans hated the gods, and the gods hated the Titans, so the gods wanted rid of the titans. They used Kronos' scythe to cut him to bits and sent him to Tartarus.

Who is most likely in Tartarus?

The Titans.

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Who got angry with Zeus for locking the titans in the tartarus?

Gaia, the mother of all titans.