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Q: Who was Heracles real father?
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Who was heracles dad?

Zeus, the Greek King of the Gods was Heracles' Father. Heracles also had a foster father, Amphitryon, who was the husband of Alcmene, the woman Zeus impregnated.

Who is Heracles father?


Who was Heracles' father?


Is Herakles real?

It depends on what you choose to believe. Heracles may be real to you, and not others. I believe in him, therefore, to me, Heracles existed.

Did Hercules kill Zeus?

No, Heracles did not kill his father Zeus.

Who are Heracles' parents?

Hercules' father was Zeus and his mother was a mortal woman named Alcmene.

How is Theseus related to Hercules?

They are cousins. Heracles' father was Zeus, and Theseus' father (or half-father if you will) was Poseidon.

What is Hercules full name?

The real name for the greek hero "Hercules" was Heracles, but when the Romans invaded and took over the adopted the myth and named the hero Hercules. So Hercules is roman, but Heracles is greek.

What did Heracles receive after he did the twelve labours?

After he finished the twelve labours he got given the gift of immortality by his father, Zeus

Was Heracles gay or not?

Heracles was bisexual

Who was Hercules' creator?

He was the son of Zeus and the Theban queen Alkmene. Actually his Greek name was Heracles.

How did Hercules seek revenge on Augeas?

Heracles was to have the tenth part of the oxen as his reward, but when the hero had accomplished his task by leading the rivers Alpheus and Peneus through the stables, Augeas refused to keep his promise. Heracles, therefore, made war upon him, which terminated in his death and that of his sons, with the exception of one, Phyleus, whom Heracles placed on the throne of his father.