

Who was Hades father?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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Hades', Poseidon's, and, Zeus's father is Cronus who had eaten all but Zeus.

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Who was Hades' father-in-law?

Hades' father-in-law is his Brother, Zeus.

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Zeus is Hades' Father-in-law, and his brother.

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Hades' father-in-law is his brother Zeus.

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I belive Hades does not have a father and Hades is ruler of darkness and fear and is king of The Underworld

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The father of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades is the titan, Cronus.

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Hades' father is Chronus, he does not have a Grandfather.

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Hades did not battle/overthrow his father, his brother Zeus did.

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Hades' father is Cronus, and his mother is Rhea.

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Hades' father is Cronus, his mother is Rhea. They are Titans.

Who Hades father in law?

hades father in law is Zeus because persephone is his wife and her father is Zeus makeing him hade father in law along with being his brother