

Who was Apollo to Hestia?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Apollo would have been Hestia's nephew by Zeus

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Q: Who was Apollo to Hestia?
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Who was Apollo married too?

Apollo was married to the goddess, Hestia.

Who did Hestia go with?

If you mean who did Hestia marry, the answer is no one. Hestia remained chaste even though Poseidon and Apollo tried to court her.

What two people did Hestia have wishing to marry her?

Apollo and Poseidon.

Who was Hestia's husband?

Hestia was one of the virgin goddesses, therefore, she would not get married. Apollo and Poseidon both asked and she rejected them.

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No, Poseidon is not dating Hestia; Hestia is a virgin goddess and Poseidon is married to Amphitrite. Poseidon and Apollo did want to marry Hestia, until she vowed on the head of Zeus to remain a virgin.

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No. Athena was a virgin goddess like Artemis and Hestia and Apollo ever got married.

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Apollo's aunt is Hestia. She is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family, and one of the Twelve Olympian gods in Greek mythology.

What are Hestia's romantic ties?

Both Apollo and Posiedon wished to wed her, but Hestia chose to wed neither and to remain a virgin goddess.

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Poeidon was the uncle of Apollo, at one point they both sued for the hand of the goddess Hestia.

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Who is Hestia's lover?

Apollo and Poseidon. She refused to marry both because she was a virgin.