all of troy and hector and Paris and agamemnon and your mom
Odysseus or Achilles your choice
Achilles died when his enemy shot a poisoned arrow into his heel. Achilles' heel was the only part of his body that was vulnerable; as a baby, he had been dipped into the River Styx by his mother, who held onto him by his ankle. Achilles' immersion made him impervious to harm, but because his ankle did not contact the river, it remained mortal and vulnerable. The idiom "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a fatal flaw, a chink in one's armor.
His angry pride.
all of troy and hector and Paris and agamemnon and your mom
His angry pride.
Odysseus or Achilles your choice
Poseidon's greatest enemy was his father, Cronus.
That would be me. I am the greatest enemy of love. >:D
After Achilles, the greatest two other warriors were Telamonian Ajax (Greater Ajax) and Odysseus. These two warriors competed to see who was the braver warrior.
He is his greatest enemy of all.