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Eurylochus tells Odysseus what has happened to the other 22 men. He did not eat the food as he suspected danger, so he was able to avoid the spell and run back to safety.

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Q: Who tells Odysseus what Circe did to his men?
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What Odysseus' men are turn into pigs?

Circe, the sorceress, turned Odysseus' men into pigs before becoming his lover.Circe

What does circe say when Odysseus asks for his men back?

Circe turns the men back and tells Odysseus to port his ship properly, and to hide their gear in some cave.

What did Circe turn Odysseus' men into?

Circe turned Odysseus' men Into swine.

How did Circe treat Odysseus and his men at first?

Circe turns Odysseus' men into swine.

How does Circe free Odyssues's men?

Well Odysseus had to stay a year with her for the enchantment to break and then the men were restored from pigs to men. Then Circe tells them the profecy that leads them to the land of the dead.

What did Circe do to half of Odysseus' men?

Circe turned half of Odysseus' men into swine (pigs).

How is Odysseus able to negotiate with Circe the safe return of his men?

Hermes warns Odysseus before his encounter with the enchantress Circe, and gives Odysseus a magical herb to protect him from Circes' spells, as well as exact advice as to what to do. Circe tries to turn Odysseus into a pig but fails. Odysseus rushes Circe with his sword, but she acquiesces, and tries to bed Odysseus. Odysseus commands her to swear an oath to do him no further harm, and after she has, he beds her. Afterwards he refuses to eat, and explains he cannot until he sees his men. Circe retrieves them (as animals), and administers a drug to turn them back into normal. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship.

What happened to Odysseus' men when they went to Circe's palace?

When Odysseus' advance party discover Circe's palace in the middle of the forest, Circe [Falcon] invites them in and gives them a meal. The men all behave disrespectfully so Circe makes the food with a magical poison, and all of the sailors are transformed into pigs, except Eurylochus - who expected a trap and has eaten nothing. Eurylochus escapes and warns Odysseus. Odysseus sets out to rescue his men, but is intercepted by Hermes. Hermes tells Odysseus that he can resist Circe's poison by using the herb Moly. Odysseus convinces Circe to release his men and then There is then quite a lot more story - but at the end Odysseus leaves with his men, and they can continue with their journey. Odysseus sent some men out and those men were turned into animals. When Odysseus tried to set them free she said she would not do it unless he lay with her.

What did circe warn Odysseus and his men?

the dangers that he would face at sea that is what circe warned odysseus.

Who asks Odysseus to leave circe?

Odysseus' crew men ask Odysseus to leave Circe's island after a year on her island.

What is circe doing when odysseus' men first see her?

Circe is singing while working at her loom, when Odysseus' men first see her.

What does Circe do to some of Odysseus' men?

Circe fed Odysseus' men a poisoned feast which turned them into animals, specifically swine.