Modern medicine has advanced well beyond the primitive scope of ancient times. Two examples (out of many) are antiseptic and anesthesia. Things we take for granted nowadays were once a complete mystery to the medical profession and science.
I studied ancient history
Cleopatra studied with private priests and scholars. The areas of study im ancient time did not differ much from what school children study now, except in ancient times politics and diplomacy were a part of their daily lessons.
Yes, of course.
they studied plants and herbs in medicine for remedies
Hippocrates studied medicine, specifically the field of ancient Greek medicine. He is often referred to as the "Father of Western Medicine" for his contributions to the understanding of the human body and the practice of medicine.
Usually in ancient times, foreigners, such as japanese, came to china and studied
It was studied in the home, in temples, and in the ancient Agora.
The ancient Greeks traveled to many far places. They built some incredible temples to their gods. They invented drama. They studied mathematics and medicine. Some were fine warriors.
He studied medicine!
Modern medicine has advanced well beyond the primitive scope of ancient times. Two examples (out of many) are antiseptic and anesthesia. Things we take for granted nowadays were once a complete mystery to the medical profession and science.
most of them studied medicine and optomatry
The medicine used in the times of Homer by the Greeks, according to the Iliad, were wine and olive oil.
I studied ancient history