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The Aztecs, known as Mexicans, were ruled by a council, and the huey Tlatoani, they made the laws of the empire and the one of the most influential was a man called Tlacaelel who was the main adviser of the fifth lord of the Mexicans called Izcoatl.

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Q: Who made the Aztec's rules?
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Who made the rules in the Aztecs tribe?

Whoever was the Emperor at the time.

What rules did the Aztecs use to play games?

The Aztecs had rules like we have today .

What kind of rules did the Aztecs follow?

the Aztecs were killed so they didn't follow any rules

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some clothing of the aztecs were made out of linen

What do the Aztecs made that we still have?

We still have may of the temples made by the Aztecs.

When was Aztecs made?

The Aztecs were madee in 1527

Why did the Aztecs get punishment for?

They got punishments if They didnt Obey the rules

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The Aztecs fishing nets were made of straw.

What did the ancient Aztecs do with the metal?

the Aztecs made jewellery from the metal.

What type of people made up the army in Aztecs time?

The Warriors made up the Aztecs army.

What are Aztecs?

The Aztecs are a tribe in Mexico, who supposably found the cocoa bean and made chcocolate. They had different beliefs and they made large temples. Their decedents are the Mexicans.DO YOU MEAN AZtecs

What type rules did Aztecs have?

One of their rules was that if the emperor was out everyone had to look down at the ground, and lay out their cloaks for the emperor to walk over.