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King Bacilio and Queen Bacilio(Velasquez) were very important people at that time

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Q: Who is the important leader and why they are important from the Chaldeans?
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What do the achievement of the new Babylonian empire tells us about what was important to the chaldeans?

Science and Astronomy where important to the Chaldeans, and when the Chaldeans took over the Babylonian empire, the Babylonians studied that

What do the achievements of the new babylonian empire tell us about what was important to the chaldeans?

Science and Astronomy where important to the Chaldeans, and when the Chaldeans took over the Babylonian empire, the Babylonians studied that

How did chaldeans take over the Babylonian area?

The Chaldeans took over Babylon when the Babylonians chose a Chaldean prince to replace their deposed leader.

Why was Chaldean's important?

The Chaldeans helped build a strong, powerful and wealthy nation

How did the Chaldeans defeat the Assyrians?

After the Assyrian leader passed away the empire grew weak without him. The Chaldeans then took over the weakening empire. They named the capital city Babylon. They are sometimes called the "New Babylonians".

Who destroyed Assyrians and Nineveh?

An alliance between the Babylonians and Medes.

What day was named by the Chaldeans?

the day that the chaldeans named was a thursday

Did the Chaldeans rebuild Nineveh as the center of the Chaldeans empire?


What was the capital of the Amorites and Chaldeans?

Babylon was the ancient capital of the Amorites and the Chaldeans.

What was the writing system for the chaldeans?

The chaldeans used the cuneid writting form