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Q: Who is the first to recognize Odysseus through his disguise?
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Who recognizes Odysseus through his disguise?

Odysseus's faithful dog, Argos, was the first to recognize him through his rags. Later on, the old nurse Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus while washing his feet, due to a scar he received as a child while on a boar hunt.

Who recognizes Odysseus right away How does he recognize him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Who recognizes Odysseus right away and how does he recognize him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Who is who in the Odyssey?

Euryclaeia is Odysseus's maid who first recognizes him after he returns home from Troy. She sees through his beggar disguise by noticing a scar he received while hunting a boar with his grandfather

Who is Euryclaeia in The Odyssey?

Euryclaeia is Odysseus's maid who first recognizes him after he returns home from Troy. She sees through his beggar disguise by noticing a scar he received while hunting a boar with his grandfather

Who is the herder who first recognized Odysseus when he returned home?

Odysseus revels who he is to Eumaeus who is a swine harder. Athena in a disguise, first talks to Odysseys when he wakes up and does not know where he is because of the mist Athena cast.

Who recognizes Odysseus right away How does he recognizes him?

his nurse is the first one to recognize him because of a scar he has on his leg. his dog was actually the first one to recognize him though.

Why didn't Arachne recognize Athena when she first came to the girls home?

Athena was in the form of an old woman as a disguise.

Why isn't Odysseus recognized when he first arrives?

Odysseus isn't recognized when he first arrives home because he is disguised as a beggar. He purposely chooses to wear a disguise so that he can trick Penelope's suitors. When he confronts Penelope herself, he remains in this disguise to test whether she has forgotten about him, etc., though it is not certain whether Penelope was fooled at all or simply playing a sort of game with Odysseus.

Who does Telemachus thinks that Odysseus is when they First meet?

When Telemachus first meets Odysseus (disguised as a beggar), Telemachus does not recognize him and instead thinks he is just a poor traveler. Odysseus reveals his true identity later in the story.

Who does Telemachus think Oddysseus is when they first reunite?

Telemachus initially thinks Odysseus is a stranger when they first reunite, as Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, had not revealed his true identity to his son. Telemachus only discovers the true identity of the beggar later on.

The main reason that the suitors and servants don't recognize Odysseus when he first appaers is that?

is bcs he was in discise as a beggar DU!!