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His name is Charon.

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Q: Who is the ferryman of the river Acheron?
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Who drives the boat on the river stix in greek mythology?

Charon is the ferryman of the rivers Styx and Acheron.

Where is the Acheron River located?

The Acheron River is in the Epirus region of Greece. The source of the river is near the village of Zotiko while it ends by draining into the Ionian Sea near Parga.

What was the name of the river of woe?

The name of the river of woe is Acheron :P

Where did greek god Charon live?

Charon is the ferryman that takes souls across the Styx and Acheron rivers in the Underworld. Therfore, we can assume he lives in the Underworld.

What happens to Dante as he crosses the River Acheron?

Dante faints when he cross the river.

Why does Charon refuse to allow Dante across Acheron?

Charon does not allow Dante to cross the Acheron river because he is a living being.

What is styx ferryman?

Styx is a Underworld river in Greek mythology, and also a goddess. The ferryman Kharon crossed the Underworld river Akheron, not the Styx.

What do you call a person who takes you to the otherside of river?


How do you get through the river of styx?

Charon was the ferryman of the dead, an underworld daemon in the service of Hades. Hermes gathered the shades of the dead from the upper world and guided them to the shores of the Acheron, from which the River Styx sprang. From there, Charon transported them in his skiff to the land of the dead. The fee for this service was a single coin, which the dead person's family placed on the corpse (usually under the tongue so no-one would steal it). Those who had not received a proper burial and were unable to pay the fee would be left to wander the earthly side of Acheron, as ghosts.

What was the river Lethe also called?

The River Lethe is the river of forgetfulness and is one of the five rivers of Hades. It was believed that the newly dead who drank from the River Lethe would lose all memory of their past existence. The other four rivers of the underworld are Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon, and Styx. Acheron, which means "river of woe", is the river used by the old ferryman Charon would transport the dead from the land of the living to the realm of Hades. Cocytus means "river of lamentation". The people who were not properly buried were doomed to wander the banks of this river for most of their afterlife. Phlegethon was the river of fire. Although the fire burned, it did not consume anything with its flames. Styx means "hate". This was the river that separate the realm of the living from that of the dead. Many accounts say it wraps around Hades nine times.

In the book inferno Who was the boatman of the river acheron?

Charon is the only such god in Greek myth.

Who is acheron the greek god?

He is a river god that sided with the Titans against the gods. Zeus then turned him into water for the River Styx.