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If you're talking about Perseus and the Gorgon's head, than it's Perseus.

If you're talking about the story about who Medusa got her snake hair, then it's just Poseidon, Medusa and Athena.

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Q: Who is the character of the story Medusa and Athena?
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What is the story of Athena and Medusa?

Athena caught Medusa and Poseidon in her temple. Athena was pledged never to marry, so she took this as an insult. She then turned Medusa's hair into snakes.

What is the story behind Athena the Greek goddess?

Poseidon was in Athena's temple with Medusa. At that time, Medusa was beautiful. Athena caught them and got furious. Then she turned Medusa ugly with snake hair.

What does the story of Medusa explain?

I should probably put the story here, or else my answer won't make sense. The story of Medusa: Medusa used to be a beautiful girl. She was a girlfriend of Poseidon, the God of The Seas. One day, Medusa and Poseidon were making out on the floor of one of Athena's temples. Athena realised what was happening, and got mad. She turned Medusa's lovely curls into writhing little snakes, and put a curse on Medusa: whoever looked at Medusa in the eyes will turn into stone. Therefore, Athena turned Medusa into a Gorgon. The explanation: um...never mess with a goddess??

What happened between Athena and Medusa?

Athena was angry that Medusa slept with Poseidon in her temple, so she turned her into a Gorgon. ____ Some myths say Medusa was a priestess of Athena and that she (Medusa) was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena didn't care that Medusa was raped Athena just cared that her temple was defiled.

Why were Athena and Medusa enemies?

athena is medusa's enemy because athena turned medusa into a horrible gorgon when she was caught sleeping with poseidon in her temple

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What is the story of Athena and Medusa?

Athena caught Medusa and Poseidon in her temple. Athena was pledged never to marry, so she took this as an insult. She then turned Medusa's hair into snakes.

What is the story behind Athena the Greek goddess?

Poseidon was in Athena's temple with Medusa. At that time, Medusa was beautiful. Athena caught them and got furious. Then she turned Medusa ugly with snake hair.

What is the theme of the story of medusa and Athena?

The theme of the story of Medusa and Athena often revolves around the consequences of angering the gods, the power dynamics between mortals and immortals, and the idea of transformation or punishment through metamorphosis. It also explores themes of jealousy, betrayal, and the clash between beauty and monstrosity.

How can Medusa's story be applied to modern day life?

It would apply by learning the moral of the story: Respect other people. The reason would be because Poseidon and Medusa were not respecting Athena by being together in her temple. For this reason, Athena turned Medusa into a monster.

What does the story of Medusa explain?

I should probably put the story here, or else my answer won't make sense. The story of Medusa: Medusa used to be a beautiful girl. She was a girlfriend of Poseidon, the God of The Seas. One day, Medusa and Poseidon were making out on the floor of one of Athena's temples. Athena realised what was happening, and got mad. She turned Medusa's lovely curls into writhing little snakes, and put a curse on Medusa: whoever looked at Medusa in the eyes will turn into stone. Therefore, Athena turned Medusa into a Gorgon. The explanation: um...never mess with a goddess??

How did Medusa become Medusa?

Poseidon was Medusa's boyfriend and they were hanging out in Athena's temple. Then Athena turned Medusa into Medusa.

What is medusas story?

Medusa was once a beautiful woman, worshiping the goddess Athena. Then a God, named Poseidon, noticed her beauty and raped her. When Medusa begged Athena for help, Athena instead punished Medusa because in her mind it should be Medusa who should be punished (Athena was jealous of Medusa, and apparently to the Gods its perfectly okay to allow an innocent woman to be raped and then punished for being the victim)

How did Stheno and Euryale become like Medusa?

Stheno and Euryale didn't become like Medusa. Medusa became like them. Before Medusa had become a woman with snakes as hair she was mortal. Her sisters were not. There are two versions of Medusa's story. One was that Medusa became cursed because she slept with Poseidon in Athena's temple. The other story was that Medusa had sworn celibacy to Athena, but forgot those vows and married Poseidon.

What happened between Athena and Medusa?

Athena was angry that Medusa slept with Poseidon in her temple, so she turned her into a Gorgon. ____ Some myths say Medusa was a priestess of Athena and that she (Medusa) was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena didn't care that Medusa was raped Athena just cared that her temple was defiled.

Why were Athena and Medusa enemies?

athena is medusa's enemy because athena turned medusa into a horrible gorgon when she was caught sleeping with poseidon in her temple

Who did Medusa get married to?

Medusa is a female character from the Greek mythology. It is said to turn onlookers to stone. Medusa never had a husband. According to the Greek Myth, she was a beautiful maiden once and served as priestess to the goodness of wisdom, Athena. Athena turned her into a Monster, when she learned of her affair with the god of the Sea, Poesidon. Athena cursed her (not cursed her out) meaning she cast a spell on Medusa. Yup Medusa was cursed into an ugly woman but before she was considered hot.

What did Athena do to Medusa?

Athena turned Medusa into a monster with snakes for hair. Whenever someone looked at Medusa after she was cursed, they would be turned to stone. Athena did this to Medusa because Medusa was one of Poseidon's lovers and they one day met in Athena's temple.